Was tun gegen Periodenkrämpfe?
Hallo, ich liege grade im Bett mit Tee und Wärmflasche und lieg heulend da, weil ich mich vor Schmerzen und Übelkeit kaum noch bewegen kann… Wir haben weder dolormin noch vomex zuhause. Nur noch ibus. Da habe ich vor etwa 2 Stunden eine genommen doch es hilft nichts. Hat irgent jemand noch nen Tipp was man machen kann LG
maybe distract and don’t think about the pain.
And usually (so that helps me) put a heat bottle on the belly.
What you can do now is just wait until your days stop.
Hope could help
Mhhm, dolormin is at the end also only IBU. Are you alone or can someone go to the pharmacy for you? Otherwise, only stops (and go to the female doctor in the long term, such massive cramps should be clarified).
PS: Heat strengthens my complaints more. Maybe leave a warm bottle half an hour and see if something changes.
I’m alone… I’ve never been to the women’s doctor for 15 years, but I’ll look. At the warmer bottle, I always don’t know what’s changed with me much
I had this too and got the pill written with 14 already. Improved complaints. Try to walk in the apartment. Many feel more comfortable than lying in.
I don’t know if it’s still helping with such strong cramps, but I’m getting better when I drink a lot of water and walk for a walk
Gynecologists visit, there might be vlt a need because ibus did not help