was tun gegen people pleasing?
meine Lehrerin meinte so ein Junge und ich stehen beide entweder im 1 oder 2 Bereich. Dann hat der die ganze Zeit diskutiert und der kriegt auch die 1.
Bitte fragt nicht, sie meinte zu mir ob das okay wäre, wenn ich die 2 kriege anstatt die 1 und junge wenn die schon meine Meinung dafür braucht hä
ich meinte irgendwie ja 😭 ich hab keine Ahnung warum, meint ihr ich kann da morgen nochmal hin? Es nervt mich jetzt doch 😩
You can always go back to the teachers if you’re sure you deserve a 1 then go there, no one wants a worse note than deserves!
You can say you’ve changed your mind. And find it unfair to say it again clearly how it came to the note…
Then you can get your arguments if they don’t give you 1…
For example: good advice, not disturbing in teaching, good participation (in my opinion, for a 1 full enough), clear, helpful, qualitative answers…
👆🏽 Of course you can only say that if it is true 😉
ok thanks it was actually a JRC 🙃
Aso. Then you can make other arguments… Was there anything?
Of course I could help you
Thank you!
Oh, yeah. Hmm… then you can tell her that the art history is more of a secondary role, and you then focused more on the historian because it seemed more important for you. Then you can stress again how much effort you have made, talking liquid, free, good content of the other elaboration…
jup her lack was with me that I spoke too little about the art history, but in German art is not the main topic, I decided more on literature, historical stuff
Of course, you can go back and say that you find it unfair
I have the feeling that doesn’t like me anyway and then I’m stupid in the exams that’s why I’m unsafe
Needs to estimate 🤷🏽 ♀️ But would definitely have the right to complain
What’s that note that you have to split notes?
I don’t know, but don’t think he gets the one and I don’t… This also had more points of criticism and with me exactly 1