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6 months ago


you write:

I have a friend with whom I can do what’s fun to do and that helps me distract myself.

Your girlfriend is also a person – so you hate her! You’re a man too – so you hate yourself!

Your hatred for humanity was probably caused by extremely negative life experiences. But now you’re doing very positive life experiences with your girlfriend.

You can mean much more than distraction and fun!

Discover the great power of LOVE with your girlfriend! Then your attitude to humanity can also change fundamentally!

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

To my answer another supplement:

The human hatred, and the criminal activities that you call “pass” should make you aware that you urgently need therapeutic help. Maybe even familiar people can help you.

But now you suffer from serious mental disorders!

I wish you could overcome them together!

6 months ago

depends on people or

Simply distract or read what to write at world hats. Well, something that might help the world. Projects etc.

But if people hate themselves… well. Just avoid. And still have to do with the closest. Family friends.

Rule is still. It is polite to stay in everyday life and then headphones in.

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

If this helps you nix, you don’t have to expect any help.

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

You’re not the only one. Go on these forums. Most of them are gothics or other groups. They hate the world, or it’s their label.

6 months ago characterizes%20a%20 attitude%2C%20no,ab%20and%20f%C3BCuch%20a%20

6 months ago

The reasons for human hatred are crucial. If he is based on negative experiences with fellow human beings, then it can be helpful to realize that people (including yourself) are also only living beings that make mistakes and will not always behave perfectly. In my opinion, the decisive factor is the ability to see own mistakes. People who are able to do this are aware of their mistakes and are actively trying to improve – and therefore definitely do not deserve hatred, at least in my opinion. And there are such people in any case.

Whatever can help: change your social environment if your current friends make you unhappy.

And otherwise I can only recommend you distract yourself through hobbies. Then this goes away.

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

Find it very suspicion that a friend will join your club*.

6 months ago

Don’t worry, you have to live with it.

6 months ago

To remember how many people have been there for you. How many have helped you give you tips on how many you have already laughed, how many you have loved and embraced and kissed. How many of you comforted when you were sad.

6 months ago

The only thing we can do is love our neighbours.

Love solves all hatred.

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

You definitely wouldn’t have access to my acquaintance. The fact that you have a fancy friend who is your misantropy is very strange. Vlt is a masochist supreme…

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

And why shouldn’t love solve your hatred?

Recognize yourself and you will recognize your fellow human beings. I assume you don’t want to stagnate. So don’t stop looking for yourself.

6 months ago

Humor is also a form of dealing with suffering.

It doesn’t mean human hatred.

6 months ago

To change your attitude, you must also want to change your attitude. If you have no interest in changing something, it makes little sense.

But I’m relatively sure you won’t always see the world as you see it now. You’re in a self-development.

6 months ago

Love is there and you shouldn’t deny that.

Even if you no longer perceive love, there is always at least a small spark in you that tries to ignite a fire. Take him and take care of him.

6 months ago

Impress the human hat and deal with something more important

6 months ago

You hate, but profit from them. You call hypocrisy?

6 months ago
Reply to  EifNiemand

Why? Uses the Internet, as you know, animals and nature are exploited and people work, consume energy and resources.

How do you feel to hate humanity and use everything like that?