Was tun gegen mega-asoziale Mitmenschen?

Neulich haben mich im Bus grundlos und ohne Vorgeschichte zwei Bauchfrei-Tanten (davon eine erkennbar mit Migrationshintergrund) als Blondine, hässlich und Transsexuelle beschimpft.

Obwohl ich deutlich weiblich bin und gar nicht transsexuell aussehe…

Was soll ich bei der nächsten Bewegung mit diesen minderbemittelten Asis tun?

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7 months ago

You’re afraid you’re spanning the guys because you look better, etc.


7 months ago

I’m sorry you were treated like that.

If someone does that with me, I wonder how this person feels to be inner. He doesn’t know me, and I didn’t do anything to him. So it has to be something that has nothing to do with me. I then usually imagine that this person desperately seeks confirmation and attacks me (verbally) to be able to say that he was at least better than me. Then I get sympathy with the human being and ignore him if it stays with one-two sentences. If he continues, I’ll go to confrontation and tell him he didn’t offend me. No matter how it goes on, I stay with the thing and don’t go to the level of insulting back.

I used to think about this song and kept me on the recommendation: “Bleaf polite and say nothing – that angers them most.”

The Doctors – Lasse redn [Lyrics] (youtube.com)

7 months ago

I just laughed and said, “They say the right ones…”