Was tun gegen Langeweile?
Hi! Mir ist grade langweilig, weil ich mir mein Handgelenk gebrochen habe. Und deshalb weiß ich nicht, was ich tun soll. Den ganzen Tag hocke ich schon im Bett und schaue in mein Handy. Hatt jemand eine Idee für mich?
Ich freue mich auf Antworten
The feet are healed, the head is up and the eyes are open?
Then get out of the feathers, spread a few drops of water around the ears, dress and —- RAUS from the hotel.
Try to discover something nice in your neighborhood.
If you don’t have to go under the oxygen tent after 500m, you haven’t done anything wrong in the past.
All right.
Thank you.
I know that too well. I made ôfters when I love. So both
When I broke my arm, I tried to draw left, read a lot, 24/7 watching my hamster, made diamond painting, was outside, learned (Okay, no I didn’t)
L.G. E✨ calibre🏻
Thank you
Watch a fun YouTube video, read a book or listen to a little music. Maybe what’s going on?
I help to read in the Bible or to deal with God’s works in my garden.
No one has to stay in bed because of a broken wrist.