Was tun gegen Langeweile?
Was mach ich gegen Langeweile in der Arbeit? Zur Erklärung ich bin Praktikant aber hab meistens keine Arbeit und sitzt deshalb immer Stunden vorm PC und schaue Stunden lang gutefrage oder recherchiere irgendwas. Ich kann auch schlecht etwas mit dem Handy machen oder irgendein online Spiel spielen.
I always liked to hear podcasts. Or if possible, leave something!
Have you ever asked an employee if I had time for a kind of interview because I was very interested in her work? Maybe you can look at other departments a bit, but of course you can only ask if this is okay and not disturbing.
you have no lead for your internship? Talk to him/her and say you are underwhelmed.
They know that I don’t have anything at the moment there are no jobs I could do
I’d hear music. Just complain, maybe you can go early or get more work.
LG Strawberrylove1 <33