Was tun gegen heißhunger?
Ich würde gerne etwas fett verlieren, mein Proplem ist nur das ich unter ständigen heißHunger Attacken leide- ;-;
Dauernd will ich schokolade oder allgemein Unfassbar ungesundes zeug. Was kann ich tun dagegen? (Wärend meiner Periode ist es besonders schlimm)
Black coffee helps, also free of caffeine. Fat is not the problem, but carbohydrates, especially sugar. Sugar is a addiction, the cravings will not be less until you get through to let him go.
I don’t like coffee
That’s bad. Then try to drink plenty of water with fresh lemon in it
Schüßler salts help very well, and they are also affordable in the pharmacy. Make yourself smart. It’s worth it.
In short: against salty food (also chips…) helps, among others, No. 8, and against sweets, among others No. 6.
schüssler salz gegen hothungerattacken – Bing – Shopping
Search Amazon for low carb.