Was tun gegen Gelbe Zähne?


Ich bin 16 jahre alt und habe früher bis jetzt das Zähne putzen unterschätzt bzw. vernachlässigt. Nun habe ich gebe Zähne und Frage mich was ich gegen Gelbe also für weiße Zähne machen kann. Am besten ohne spezielle Zahncreme oder sonstiges zu kaufen.

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2 years ago

Hello Finian,

you go to the dentist and let the dental stone be removed.

Then you can make a professional dental cleaning.

If you are still not satisfied with your tooth color, just help a beaching. Your dentist likes to advise you. Everything from the drugstore market is nothing.

Good luck!


2 years ago

You can make dental cleaning at the dentist. Evtl pays the sickness fund wholly or partially even under 18.

In addition, you can use toothpaste with light whitening. There’s something like soft white etc.

Please, no self-infested or bleaching. It is very unhealthy to dangerous and often does not bring much.

And very important, really tidy teeth.

LG and all good

2 years ago

Let’s get a professional dental cleaning from the dentist.

2 years ago

Teeth clean must be clean so that they stay a long time.

But if you have yellower teeth, naturally, you will not get white with brushing.

Teeths are different white.

2 years ago

Most toothpastes do not keep what they promise. I would recommend a professional dental cleaning. Many discolorations can be eliminated. Then you can ask directly what you can do yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Finian929

Get in touch with your health insurance. Some pay once a year the costs, some of them only partly. I think the costs are about 120€.