Was tun gegen gelbe Blattspitzen bei Cannabispflanze?
Hallo, mein erster Grow (Fat Banana Auto) hat seid ein paar Tagen gelbe Blattspitzen (siehe Foto) Ich baue im Grow Zelt an bei relativ konstanten Bedingungen, 18/6 Lichtzyklus und ich dünge circa alle 3-4 Tage. Sie geht jetzt so langsam in die Blütephase. Tritt nur bei den oberen neueren Blättern auf. Was kann ich tun?
At the start of flowering, the fertilizer has to be changed to phosphate-containing substance, but the plant now looks over fertilized so that you should give less often flower fertilizer than (previously) growth fertilizer.
If the plant is stable in blossom all older leaves become yellow anyway and can be removed to provide more light to the underlying shoots and flowers.
mM a potassium deficiency due to nitrogen excess. More like 1x a week liquid fertilizer is too much!
Looks like potassium deficiency.
Increase the NPK fertilizer should help. If no nutrient barrier is present by constant overwatering of the nutrient solution.
Not even more fertilizers on it 🥲
It has more than enough nitrogen, visible on the dark green leaves. With too much nitrogen, the potassium absorption starts, therefore the bright leaf tips.
What would you recommend?
So pour 2-3 times only with water and then less than according to fertilizer scheme but the components proportionally as indicated. And only fertilize 1x a week.
I’ll see you right away.
Try to reduce the amount of fertilizer. Hope I could help you:)