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No therapy.
Get to know yourself and your being and learn the feeling of gratitude.
You’ll see how your problems disappear.
Problems you see now are nothing more for you. You’ll be able to live easily.
But as I said, first meet.
This will be very difficult at first, as we get caught up from small to small, that we need a therapy for problems, that we need physically complaining medications, that we do not belong without brand clothing, that without smartphones we would not be aware in everyday life, that we need an Instagram account, that we are always unsatisfied and frustrated in every smallest thing.
But if you really want to get out of your hole, you have the will and change something and don’t leave anyone else. No one will be able to help you except yourself.
Thank you
I went to a clinic with depression and returned with an eating disorder. The depressions are, of course, still not gone, and I don’t tell anyone about the bulimia.
You’d better find the help you need. Maybe it helps you eat with friends or ask your family for help (do not know your situation well enough). A positive diary could help you with depression. Every day, write down at least three things that were positive. That helped me not get worse.
Work on the causes. Otherwise, in depression do a lot of things that you do well. Good luck!
I had already brought zero (in my opinion )
Already tried several therapists and various forms of therapy?
Finding and treating psychists. Who diagnosed depression? You yourself?
Do the psychoterapheutin I was