Was tun gegen Corona Fieber?
Guten Abend,
Mein Freund hat Corona und Fieber. Was kann ich tun um ihm zu helfen? Er hat schon Paracetamol, warme Socken, Tee und eine leichte warme Decke bekommen. Allerdings sinkt sein Fieber nicht. Wenn ich ihm die Socken oder die Decke weg nehme oder Fenster auf mache, fängt er extrem an zu zittern.
Was kann ich tun?
Liebe Grüße
Keep healthy. This is super important so that the body can work properly. Have a drink! Because your friend is sweating a lot of fluid. And then, rest.
And wait. Three days are not a problem for a fever. Measures the temperature again and again: at 39 degrees there are fever-lowing agents (Paracetamol). Read how much tablets your friend can take daily. He does not have to swallow tablets if the fever does not reach the 39 degrees!
Fieber is a very good “medicine”: It helps to eliminate the pathogens in the body!
On the 4th day you go to the doctor.
Note: Sweating is usually a sign that the body temperature returns (evaporation cold).
Singinging and sinking is a significant difference.
Turn the wounds. But even if the fever really needs to be lowered, because fever is a good defense recovery of the body, which should not be influenced as much as possible.
The best thing you can do you have already done, unfortunately it takes its time.
It’s best to drink a lot and he’ll be careful. In addition, I recommend regular measurement of fever and from 39°C. to attack paracetamol can not harm, but it would be recommended that he compete properly even if the fever has fallen. Corona is no longer as bad as at the beginning, but often the symtomes are very stubborn, so it would be very useful to let the whole sound well before everyday life is restarted. Many, unfortunately, even longer after the infection because they have dragged the crap which, of course, can also have stupid consequences in Corona. 3 days of symtom-free and fever-free I would recommend if he survived it at least.
Good improvement
He should drink a lot like any infection. Do not let dry.
For a middle-aged person
37° C. – 38° C. elevated temperature
38°C – 39°C normal fever
39°C – 40°C high fever
over 40°C life-threatening fever
What area are you talking about?
He’s got 38.5 degrees. He’s really bad
In this case, the hints of Arizona should be useful. Mostly, there is no apetite and no taste for fever. Contributed fruits are usually accepted.
Lauwarme Wadenwind and consult a doctor in case of persistent fever.
In this case, do not lower the fever. Fieber helps fight the pathogens.
Why do you want to take away his socks and the blanket? Leave your friend alone! I want him to recover and drink a lot!
And you better inform yourself about the function and the emergence of fever instead of tormenting your friend!
Wait till he gets healthy. Remove the ceiling is completely senseless.
Leave it to him