What can be done about chlamydia in men?
Hello, I probably have chlamydia. I'm male and I wanted to ask if it can be treated without antibiotics or if it only works with them because I don't want to take antibiotics because of the many side effects. Has anyone had a similar experience?
You’ve already dealt with the consequences of one of the Chlamydia infections?
Without treatment, the pathogens can rise to other organs and, inter alia, trigger an extremely painful inflammation of the prostate and even infertility. For the treatment of an inflammation of the prostate caused by chlamydia, antibiotics doped significantly higher.
I hope you realize the meaningless of your attitude. Hopefully you are aware that you are endangering potential sexual partners with the infection!
Yes I know but was already with the doctor he is not sure
Detection is made via a urine sample or a smear – the doctor was equally overwhelmed with both?
Please just go to the doctor and let yourself be treated and properly diagnosed beforehand.