Was tun gegen Blutdruckabfall und komische Sterne vor den Augen die kurzzeitigda sind und gegen Kältegefühl am ganzen Körper?
Google dauernd nach Symptomen, bin starker Hypochonder und habe starke Ängste, also richtig schlimm
Google dauernd nach Symptomen, bin starker Hypochonder und habe starke Ängste, also richtig schlimm
Was passiert mit dem Immunsystem wenn man weniger als 6 oder noch weniger schläft.
Ich hab vorhin für paar Minuten gelüftet und ich dachte ich sterbe oder so. Wie ist so was überhaupt möglich, woher kommt diese kalte Luft auf einmal. LG
Hallo zusammen, wie kann ich meine Krankenkasse verklagen, dass ich Psychotherapie bekomme? Ich bin sehr traumatisiert und ich kriege nur Ablehnungen von Therapeuten. Ich suche schon mehrere Jahre. Ich verletze mich täglich selbst weil ich dermassen traumatisiert bin. Ich wurde jahrelang gemobbt missbraucht im sexuellen Sinne. Von meiner Familie unter anderem zum Suizid aufgefordert. Musste…
Ich bekomme vom Saufen immer Fressflashs und nehme dann immer eher zu. Nun habe ich jemanden kennengelernt, der selten mal etwas gegessen hat, wenn er getrunken hat, und er hat 3-5 Flaschen Wodka am Tag getrunken UND ist dünn. Wie geht das? Wie kann man einfach keinen Hunger haben? Ich brauche nach dem Saufen morgens…
Hallo, ich habe mir gestern eine Schnitt Wunde zugezogen an einer scharfen Metallkante. Hab diese gereinigt und mit Jodsalbe behandelt allerdings pocht und brennt diese jetzt. Leider kann ich nicht einschätzen ob diese normal ausschaut, könnt ihr mir helfen? Dankeschön im Vorfeld.
Drink a strong hot coffee and pull over a really thick sweater. Movement is also good, stimulates circulation/blood pressure. Your blood pressure must not be too low. Red Bull or something I don’t want to drink now, it can hit the opposite and you get heart problems. It’s a dirty spoon anyway, you shouldn’t drink it. Hope you have the heating at the temperatures. And if you feel so cold at night, take warm bottles or a heating blanket into the bed and don’t wear a thin sleeping suit.
I barely drink energy or alcohol and do not smoke, have a very dry tongue, dry nasal mucosa and the feeling to tip over, but it has never happened before
Have to go to the doctor, but also immense fear
drank a coffee, so powder coffee and just a sweater, including a collar sweater and underneath a t-shirt, lying in bed with blanket. When I sometimes get up and see into the bathroom, I see for a short time so funny stars in front of the eye in all directions for quite a short time and then the ones are gone, have dry eyes, burn, am awake at night because of panic, have always slept until evening, but never at night. Without panic heart turf and I go to the doctor, I’m also with a therapist.
I’m terrified that I have something and I’m desperate. I’m afraid to go to the doctor, I’m absolutely sensitive. I want to get out of here
Do you have enough water, tea, coffee, milk, juice or anything? Why are you so dried?
Yeah, I hardly sleep at night, even if I’m tired. Over weeks. Unfortunately, it’s been like this for months. Then I sleep 1-2 days and then I am awake several days at night and get these problems. That breathing is exposing, massive heart rases when falling asleep and deep sleep, wake up abruptly and I think I have heart failure, no matter how tired I am, I wake up with shock and that whenever I fall asleep again. Can make 0, it just happens.
Are massive fear, go to the doctor, be afraid of cancer or that I suddenly die
I don’t cry anymore because I’m so weak by the panic that I can’t create more emotions. It just happens, and I’m gonna get chills, I’m gonna have to let it happen. I’m afraid that I have broken organs, I also have such yellow spots on my hand, thinking about liver failure, but I have white eyes. I don’t know, I’ve been in therapy since 2020 with proof, but I’m totally in the oarsch and live alone in an apartment 45m2 live of basic safety and have organized me an assistant who should come soon, because I’m alone during this panic attack in my apartment, constantly worrying about cancer because I need to the toilet, diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea, sometimes more and sometimes less, drinking
I’m afraid of my own body, he scares me
May be that your symptoms come from panic and lack of sleep. Freeze, anxiety etc. The star is relatively normal after getting up, because first you lie and then you stand up, maybe too fast. And if you didn’t sleep, it’s normal, your blood pressure drops into the basement for a short time and you can see “stars”. You should be able to sleep somehow, talk to your doctor, then the other symptoms like freezing, blood pressure, fears will also improve. Drink hot tea before bed, hot milk and relax in the bed warm, event. a heated blanket or warmth, because when you fry, you can’t sleep.
Yes, I drink currently 1-2 mineral water bottles (big and small) 1,5 litres and 0.5
But I don’t think that’s so intense. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be diagnosed as a disease, but I can be mistaken.
If the sugar is in the cellar and you don’t have a diabetic, I’ll have a RedBull.
Google symptoms can usually only be used if you have already been diagnosed with the doctor. As a comparison.. or when things are really safe, I was only 1-2. Don’t make a head theater. And go to the little boubus and hurt better to the doctor and he’ll make you heal again.
Yes, I have so when I fall asleep 0 feeling in the whole area of the nose and head, everything is cold and I sometimes suddenly stop breathing, I think at least, and then if I do not react I am in continuous shock solid and panic and everything feels dry and I feel the body hardly, so even if I can move it. Problems to perceive the environment and massive concern against diseases that are dangerous
Yes, I know you feel uncomfortable and your body is stiffened by the unintentional tension. There are also partial stretchings normal but longer-term trembling and do not stiffen.
Heat can help to feel comfortable, with others it is cold.
Manyout there is also a bathroom where you can bathe in hot water and in the ice cold. The whole body is tingling to improve your sensitivity and to strengthen the sensation.
It’s questionable that you perceive cold, but you’ve got 0 feelings. It feels partly strange and or almost numb (without tingling).
A therapy can be effective as long as you are considered necessary. I have completed my success. However, hyperchonder was rare as theme 1 in the conversations.
I can well understand that the support would be necessary. The first approach is as always about yourself until you decide to take care of others.
You could explain later whether and how strongly you are invalid (being obstructed or mentally restricted) but they are very strict and making sports is the ideal value at 5H distributed to the week.
Warm up, stretch and strain all muscles if possible.
I have weight bench at home and am 100% invalid.
Work can also help but in terms of work, otherwise I see the danger of interpersonal being running, because one has to talk again, which runs well and which is not, but shows which professions would still be possible as this is usually required.
Yes, I’ve been in an outpatient therapy since 2020 and have a therapist with whom I’m using zoom meetings, because it’s not different to get away too far, sessions where I’m talking about it and I’m finally thinking about going to a therapy. I was already 2x in therapy and should have stayed there during the 2nd stay. But I’m afraid you’re telling me something bad. I’m not viable, so not completely, because of the problems and organized me an assistant, I’ve already had, who comes to me and supports me and I can talk to about this. I went to the doctor with an assistant I had some time ago, because I had problems with heartburns and was afraid of a diaphragm break, but the doctor didn’t take me seriously and I said I was supposed to do sports too, I’m driving bicycle. And yes, I still have to go to the doctor again, but with accompaniment, because alone I don’t get it and need a psychic support
You don’t have to be afraid of a therapy, but as it sounds, I’m going to a psychiatry. Involuntary so FU -> Careful accommodation is already less great.
When you enter, they take your blood first to tell you if the values are Okey and you should not have any complaints.
Most likely, they’ll see you’re indebted. With me, it was follic acid that I clammed. Vitamin B12 (from sun, etc.) I still lack today.
As I said, there are people who are at once ready when you have to tip or complain (mostly with waiting times at the switch). I always thought when I tip over, people should let me lie first (young years) so that I try to avoid it or get up again. But never before and could hold me.
You can learn to find a solution yourself, which simply have a kind of Lego building block where you can lean out the things to look at what you would buy yourself at home or elsewhere and assemble them. Otherwise, as you can see, the text is a lot every time and you can’t go on where you stopped and if you’ve got so much to do it and that’s too much. You’ll get burnout.
Yeah, that’s really dramatic with me. Always overturning worry and without knowing why, that makes me cry. To this end, the lack of sleep leads to the fact that I have heartaches at night and, when swallowing, no feeling from the throat. Think I’m sick. I should be in therapy, but I don’t dare, I’m too sensitive. Sometimes I’m going to be alone due to the feeling that I feel slobby panicky and get heartaches and then I always think “That’s it now, you die now,” also by Google from the past concerning symptoms. Wanted to sleep today, but I was awake at night because I was already enrolled in the day, so 10:00 a.m. and was awake at about 00:00 a.m. and whenever I wanted to fall asleep and have slept deep and firm I woke up extremely panic because the breath has been exposed and I thought it would happen nasty heart failure or failure from the nervous system.
I’m really panic, so I’m getting manic