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10 months ago

I don’t know if that helps or doesn’t, but if I’m afraid of a lecture or lecture, I’m just preparing myself well and putting myself apart with the subject, and I’m going to stab myself, until I get the feelings all right. Then I don’t think about it until the day before the lecture and then read my keywords the day before the lecture. In the best case, I feel prepared enough to not be afraid and just pull it through. Half the listeners don’t care.

10 months ago

Let’s get you in the pharmacy. “Intake bottles” with the so-called “Intake bottles”.

  • Rescue-Remedy drops – these are the Bach blossom emergency drops…

Ask for them to preserve it with fruit vinegar instead of alcohol.

You take 6 drops below the tongue several times a day – starting a few days before the lecture – and leave them there.

You’ll be calm yourself…

Imagine that all you’re talking about would be pudelacked – that should also help…;)

It also helps the thought that you are not alone with your excitement – it is so for many people.

You can do this – and you will make it great, great success!

10 months ago

First of all, write the text (on PC, e.g. with Word). Then read the manuscript in a loud way and improve the places that cannot be expressed in liquid form without blushing. Then check how long you need to read it slowly and clearly loud. Change accordingly so that it fits into the predetermined time. It’s 20 minutes. And then with the stopwatch syllable for syllable, always again, again and again until it sits. Finally, even with disturbing background noises.

10 months ago

It actually helped me when I had to make an important meeting, in front of the camera, but in front of about 100 people. I felt in my pants before nervousness. After that, the class presentations were nothing.

But you must also say that I was at the school at Abi partys am DJ’n and I had to introduce more than 600 students and do my job well.

What I’m trying to say is that you could show up in front of more people… Then the little presis and the school are nothing bad, what one should fear. Villeicht could also register you in a company like Schultheater, as you learn how to keep quiet.

10 months ago

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With your name I must think of a song XD