Was tun gegen Aggressionen bei menschlichen geräuschen?
Ich kann ess Geräusche, trink geräusche, hust geräusche nägelkauen geräusche und schnarch geräusche gar nicht ab. Ich werde immer total nervös und aggressiv das ist richtig schlimm für mich. Mir ist klar das ich vielleicht dieses Misophonie habe aber ich weiß nicht was ich dagegen tun kann. Habt ihr Tipps? Es ist echt schlimm.
You could try to solve the problem in the most fun way: wearing a clown suit and distributing nasal flutes to all in your environment. Every time someone makes an annoying noise, they have to play it on the nasal flute. It’ll be so funny that you forget your aggressions before laughing!
Sounds more like you need an anti-aggression training.
No real misophonie is like a phobia so really bad
With each phobia comes also the point where one must be able to get his physical anxiety reaction in touch.
I didn’t think you wrote evil. Not even indicative.
Either way, you won’t be able to handle it on your own. Whether you’re going into psychological treatment or what is going on against the agression feeling is left to you.
I thought such an anti-aggression training might have a lower inhibition threshold than a psychiatrist.
Yeah, that’s why I’m asking for tips. (Please don’t let it as if it’s badly written I don’t mean it badly)
Breathe deeply. Swallows also excite me.
It’s not that easy for me…