Was tun gegen After concert Depressionen?
Hey.. Hat jemand Tipps was man gegen After concert Depressionen tun kann?
Ich war vor ca. Drei Monaten auf dem Konzert von meinem Lieblings Sänger und vor 1 Monat von einem anderen. Ich weiß nicht was ich gegen tun kann.
Es zieht mich teilweise so runter das ich Panikattacken bekomme oder Tage lang nicht aus meinem Bett komme. Ich habe schon so viel versucht (z.B. Ablenkung, usw.) aber es geht einfach nicht weg.
Es wäre schön wenn jemand Tipps dagegen hat.
danke schon mal:)
What is “After concert Depression”?
Which doctor or therapist did you have such a diagnosis?
I very much hope you’re not having fun with the disease depression, because it’s a serious illness.
I’ve never heard of your alleged illness!
After concert depression is the sadness after a concert. That’s what they say, but in the rare case, real depression is.
And I know you’re not having fun with depression. Got depression. After concert depression is just an expression. I don’t want to hurt anyone and don’t make me funny
After Concert Depression means you had a high feeling during the concert and then fell into a hole. Do I understand?
You can’t do much about that. Except let the songs run from the concert and put you back into the positive feeling.
Make a party with friends and dance to the singer’s music
Don’t help me. But still thanks:)
No music. It’s not good for you.
Rice together.
how funny you are. Depression or after concert depression Are no fun
Nonsense. Do you and the world have no other existential problems?
This info is missing in your question. So no one can answer you correctly, because one assumes that you are counting to the many people who use depression in the language of the environment.
I am aware of this, but if you are generally mentally ill, you feel some things differently
But you are not mentally ill because you have a low after a concert.
People die every day because of depression! It’s nothing to make fun of. These people are mentally ill!