Was tun bzw. starke Sorgen machen?

Kenne einen Bekannten, der 19-Jahre ist, und sich neue Kleidung und die ohne zu waschen trägt. Und das schon seit ein paar Jahren, deshalb macht er sich Sorgen, dass er durch die neue Kleidung, Chemikalien über seine Haut aufgenommen hat und jetzt dadurch in Zukunft schwer krank werden könnte.

was kann man dagegen tun bzw. soll er sich so Sorgen machen

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1 year ago

What he’s supposed to do should he decide himself! That would be healthier.

If he’s worn the clothes without care, he doesn’t have to worry. Predicts don’t help. Who does not have knowledge about this and that lives more worry-free …

Now that he has knowledge, he can live after it and wash his new clothes.

If he’s in medical treatment, he’ll just wait to see what the result looks like and listen to the treatment options.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kongolo816

This is also O.K. We’re not going to the doctor until we worry. That’s normal.

1 year ago

The clothes are washed once again in the factory after production. That’s not a problem. In our environment, we constantly absorb substances in our bodies, including unfortunately also harmful and toxic substances. For example, by textiles, but exactly so by detergents, exhaust gases and so on. From one alone one will not get sick, because up to a certain degree the body can handle it well. It is only necessary to ensure that a healthy life is fundamentally taken to at least reduce such harmful substances.

I hope you can take the fear of him

1 year ago

He should wash his clothes before wearing in the future