Was tun beim Pille absetzen?

Ich habe beschlossen, dass ich die Pille absetzen möchte.

Ich nehme sie, seitdem ich 15 Jahre alt bin und bin nun 19. Ich habe 2 Fragen dazu:

  • Was ist eine gute Alternative, außer etwas, was man sich einsetzen lassen muss? (wie z.B. Kupferspirale, …)
  • Ich würde genau in den Urlaub fliegen, wenn ich anfange, die Pille abzusetzen. Ist das eine gute Idee oder soll ich dann damit noch warten?
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1 year ago

A good alternative would be the symptothermal method aka NFP according to Sensiplan. The method is as safe as the pill, based on finding the fertile days out and therefore has no side effects. I use the trackle as a help

I would actually wait for the holiday and as soon as you get back they will leave (even if you were in the middle of the blister). A bigger trip is actually also stress for your body

You can also find many great information here: https://generation-pille.com/

1 year ago

If you don’t feel any side effects that restrict the pill, you should stop the pill only after your holiday.

Long-lasting lubrication bleeding occurs more often during decommissioning – do not have to, but can be and this is quite annoying when you are more on holiday than in everyday life.

You should consult the gynecologist with suitable alternatives. And that’s the best BEVOR you put the pill. A transition from one preparation to the other should be planned so that in the ideal case you do not unnecessarily mess the body twice, but either not at all or only once.

1 year ago
  • condom
  • prefer to wait
1 year ago

What’s good for you, you should talk to your gynecologist.

I would fly exactly on vacation if I started to put off the pill

Then probably the prevention is missing, should be taken into account.