Was tun bei Würmer im Kaninchenstall im sommer?
hallo ich habe gerade entdeckt das meine beiden wenn auch nur wenige aber das sie Würmer drin hatten. Wir halten unsere Kleintiere draußen (kaninchen meerschweinchen. Genug platz haben sie -.-). Die nächsten tage soll es sehr warm werden aber ich mache gerade was fertig das sie was zum abkühlen haben. Aber was kann man gegen Würmer tun? Meine tiere haben keine und ich mach die ”käfig” regelmäßig sauber
The worms are most likely fly-mades. Flying is lured by urine and feces and lay their eggs there. Within 8 hours, the flymades can then slip.
Please check your animals below. Especially in the sex and in the skin pockets in rabbits, the so-called sex corners, flies lay off their eggs. The grubs then eat through the skin of the rabbits and through the organs. The animals can be eaten from the inside.
If your rabbits are clean at the bottom, it’s enough if you clean up the corners where the grubs were and maybe clean up with vinegar. We spray Ardap over it. As soon as it’s dry, new saws or straw comes on. So far, in 15 years, this has never hurt the rabbit with us.
With this current heat best take out the wet every day.
If the animals live in housing, fly gratings also bring a great deal 🙂
If you really have a lot of space, you might have dwarf horns (at least two) in the cradle. The horns and rabbits are usually tolerated and the angers did not live long.
Since we live in an apartment this is unfortunately bit difficult 🥺🙂
clean more often
I’ve been cleaning them two times a day. You are not even in the sun 🥺
that it must come from the animals, so quickly it does not go
Mh, okay, I’m gonna make a date with the vet doctor. You know what you can do, you can’t keep coming in the stall? Does flying grids/networks help?
Is there such a spray