Was tun bei Überdosis (nicht tödlich)?

Ich habe gerade dxm ~20 Pillen genommen und mir ist übrl des Todes und habe scjon 2 gekotzt und gefühlt geht die zéit komplet langsamich habe gar kein ZeitGefühl. Dorgr dxm mit etwas Toleranz

Neu: Mir gehts besser

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1 year ago

Well, very stupid that you took 20 directly…

Do not know me so well with DXM and also do not know how strong the pills are of you. After your writing whites, I’d say they’re working well.

Guess never, but in your place, I might have been called to the hospital or the emergency doctor, as you can get serious side effects in case of overdoses with DXM, even fatal. But only you know how much you took.

If you want it, don’t panic and drink a lot of water, or if you took it fresh. But since it’s already 30min, they’ve probably already disbanded soch, or you’ve already blew out the majority

You have a good improvement

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Are you alone? Wake up your parents in doubt.

Apart from that, you can also call the poison emergency call and inquire. Look here: https://www.netdoktor.de/erstehilfe/giftnotruf/

1 year ago

Kotzen is good. Don’t panic drink and calm down. Why did you do that?

1 year ago

Please call the rescue service immediately!!!!