Was tun bei trockenen augen?

Meine Frage ist jetzt nicht wie ich das behandel.

Das Problem ist einfach das ich zu viel auf Bildschirme schaue, Anfang corona hatte ich das auch.

Weniger auf Bildschirme zu schauen krieg ich privat hin, allerdings arbeite ich in einem Büro = schaue den ganzen Tag auf einen Rechner

Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit meine Augen bei dieser Belastung zu schonen?

Danke & LG

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2 years ago

To the eye doctor. There’s dripping, liquid tears.

2 years ago

Absolutely! Get a glasses with blue light filter that makes a huge difference

2 years ago

Blue light filter glasses without vision are available at Amazon between 10-30€.

If you need one with vision, you have to go to the optician.

2 years ago

You only have to deliberately blink more, the concentrated rigid it decreases and thereby the eyes become more dry.

2 years ago

You can take eye drops and an optician can advise you about a screen glasses.

2 years ago

Treat eye drops

2 years ago

First of all, visit an ophthalmologist and check it out.

And if you work a lot on the computer, a special computer glasses can protect your eyes.

Against the dryness of the eyes, there are also eye drops in every pharmacy that make remedy. But don’t take any, but let the pharmacist advise you because there are very nice differences in quality and mode of action. You should also ask for any side effects.

Described If you are a doctor, you should assume that he will make the right choice for you.

Good improvement!

2 years ago

Can also buy artificial tears in the pharmacy or at zb doc Morris

2 years ago

oh this problem I had,

hot dry summer, warm dry air in rooms, cigarettes,

I use tags about Hylo-comod Trpfen and to the night Hylo-Gel often wash my face with clear water, humidification etc, but a gang to an ophthalmologist is also very important

2 years ago

then buy you tear substitute fluids (whether Hylo-Comod or others) a pharmacist can help you, and care for a moistened not to drink too dry air and lots of water

2 years ago

drop with hyaluron. Also available at Rossmann or dm. I also take euphrasia d3 . If body is also dry : Physiogel. Regenerated and is hypoallergenic 🥴

2 years ago

Buy eye drops against dry eyes or let the doctor prescribe.