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Enspan yourself first and attempt to understand that the dead is something good because without the dead there would be no life.And instead of being afraid welcome the dead with open arms who the universe tells you that it is time
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone.
I found out about mortality. I’m Christ, I believe in an eternal life after death. I’m not afraid of death. That I’m not very afraid, that’s my faith. I therefore believe that death is not all over.
If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
Listen to one of the many near death reports.
You answer incredible many questionsto which there seems to be no answer for us people.
Without this knowledge, we are always standing like a wall.
Nahtod reports are incredibly comforting and
redeem us from fear of death.
All the seamen who return the are no longer afraid of death.
To overcome fear of death.
Tavor in anxiety.
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