Was tun bei Neurodermitis?

Hey, ich habe seit meiner Geburt an starke Neurodermitis and den Armen und Beinen. Es sieht wirklich sehr schlimm aus worauf ich auch schon öfters angesprochen wurde. Ich kann irgendwie nicht aufhören es ständig aufzukratzen da es so sehr juckt.

Was kann mir dagegen helfen?

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3 months ago

If you don’t eat badly, try to change your diet. In chronic inflammatory diseases, this can cause a lot.
For example, omitting sugar (especially sweets), white flour products, bad fats and oils, …

The easiest thing is to cook and bake everything from ground to ground. Most finished products (suns, powders, ready meals, …) contain some crap.

I can sing a song. This helps me very well and I immediately notice when I go to some 0815 restaurant where they work (as almost everywhere today) with convenience products or when I get out of Gier 2 Berliner, because they are lying around at work on the table because someone has birthday.

However, I have no neurodermitis (I had as a child), but other problems.

Don’t expect it to be better in 3-4 days. You’ve got to go through this consistently for a month so you can fix something. And that’s hard if you’ve lived quite differently before. Especially if you are on the go somewhere.

3 months ago

In neurodermitis there are very different and often also strongly individual approaches, which helps to strengthen them and improve them. Nutrition, detergents, renouncing some types of texitil, cosmetics and their ingredients, perfumes, stress – soooo much can play in there.

In the end, it would be a good approach if you were trying to find out there by recordings and renunciation attempts, what exactly affects you. And if you are looking for a good home or skin doctor who will accompany and support these tests, including with appropriate creams, tests, tips and other medicines.

But at the end, you need to find out what strengthens your neurodermitis and improves it – and then adjust your life accordingly.

2 months ago

You could take more essential fatty acids to you, for example in cold-pressed organic hemp oil, many omega 3 fatty acids and alpha linoleic acids are included.
The Sorion Cream has also helped me very much!

3 months ago

I helped:

-vegan, varied, healthy and low-sugar diet

-Stress reduction

– Avoiding fragrances and perfume directly on the skin (clothing, body care, bed linen, textiles)

– Avoiding too hot water

– Avoiding synthetic fibres in clothing.

3 months ago

You have long neurodermatitis and should have experience. No one can tell you what can help you, because in neurodermitis, the body reacts very differently. What helps one can become a ride through hell for the other.