Was tun bei heißhunger?
Ich esse 1800 kcal am Tag (mein Bedarf ist 2300 ungefähr) und habe trotzdem immer nachmittags Heißhunger. Ich esse doch nicht so wenig, dass man normalerweise Heißhunger bekommt.
Was kann ich gegen Heißhunger tun in meiner Diät (außer nachgeben)?
The main reason for cravings is a wrong diet with many simple carbohydrates, which only close the blood sugar to the height and then let it fall off just as quickly, which then leads to the very unpleasant craving attacks.
Avoid any white flour products (bread, pasta, pasta, pasta), rice, potatoes and sugar and instead eat a lot of vegetables, salad, seeds and nuts, this will solve your appetite problem quite quickly.
A deficit of 500kcal is not without, ne. That’s a meal.
The question is what you eat as a whole? Vegetables, protein, vegetables, etc.
Give up!
With raw food (tomatoes, paprika, cucumber, carrots,…).
You can get that indefinitely and you won’t increase.