Was tun bei Corona?
Hey, ich habe seit gestern Corona.
Ich bin natürlich isoliert, da ich aber noch bei meinen Eltern wohne, ist mein „Bewegungsraum“ in meinem Zimmer begrenzt.
Jetzt zur Frage, was kann ich ich machen?
Mir ist extremst langweilig, ich liege den ganzen Tag im Bett, gucke Videos und lese ab und zu.
Wenn mir aber schon nach 1 Tag so langweilig ist, wie ist’s denn nach 1-2 Wochen?
Vielleicht habt ihr ja „Tipps“ gegen die Langeweile.
Liebe Grüße
I had Corona too, in my opinion, the best things you can do:
– Play Online Games (Fn, Minecraft,Among Us 😂)
-Random calling people on your phone
– Watch video what you can do
– look in Twitch
– Try new style
– Clean up your room
– Online shopping
And especially my favorite thing to sleep or meditate does not help you to be so excited and not so active…
Hope I could help you
Thanks for your answer:D I do the social media stuff, only without pc to zoom, so I feel nich, style and room clean up is not so good as it is already exhausting to get up.
sleep I do so well, active I am not really at the moment, but I try out, thank you ☺️
Then good improvement and drink a lot of tea
Thank you.
You don’t have to “quarantize” anymore.
Get a good mask and get out. Keep away from others and enjoy nature, walk somewhere where little is going, find yourself a cozy park bench and watch ducks in the pond or explore your city at 2 a.m.
And you’re happy that you’re “only” boring and you’re not lying in bed with breath and chills…
Thanks for your answer, have to and do this is one, I could also go to school if I wanted but where did I talk about my symptoms?
If you were seriously ill, you wouldn’t complain about boredom.
I don’t know why chilling for example counts for you as a serious illness but okay, everyone the Seine, as I said, thank you for the tips
Hey, thank you for the answer 🙂
On the phone I am quite a lot, the rest is too “exerting”…
Thank you
Oh, okay, maybe it’s video cutting what for you 🙂
Good improvement calibre
Thank you.
You’re not under any quarantine obligation, you can leave the house at any time, so use it.
Wow, how responsible!! Come on, let people put in Corona ☺️☺️
Yes, so far we have done this with every disease, it will be time that we stop panic fear for such a small virus or let us talk about it, because it kills more lives in the end.
That is why most countries have gone into a luredown, vaccinations, masks, extremely many companies have gone bankrupt?
Corona is an extremely small and unimportant virus, you will learn painfully when the next pandemic is going to fade over us! The official lethality is not even 0.4%, that is laughable and with this number all were counted, whether “with or on” Corona died and without the many infections that remained unrecognized because they simply remained completely symptom-free.
Well, it’s finally clear, what is it that there were several million dead? What is this stupid answer to say Corona is a small virus, of course, the climate change is bad, but what is that stupid confrontation?
What a stupid question, there are many diseases and infections with certain symptoms, there have always been, but only in rare cases this ends fatal. But what has always ended fatal to date is life, it is finally.
So the infected with symptoms are better for you?
Corona Tode, just as “death” as I am a climate sticker, LoL…
The difference between deceased “with or at Corona” is common to you, I hope so. This virus has a lethality of less than 0.4% and this is now a scientific number!
In 2022 there were 1.06 million Corona deaths, in the same year 60K heat dead. The year was not even comparable to the other years as a whole, there were 7 million deaths.
Oh, yeah? No more arguments and then to think I would find the climate adhesive good? Revelation of your arguments!
Then stick to the street, strong attitude from you 👍
Yes, a very small virus when compared with the effects of climate change, for which no one does what, here may be died, does not arouse so.
Small virus 👍
Drink plenty of water, rest and wait.