Was tun?

Hallo Leute ich bin Joel 16 Jahre alt männlich, habe mal ne frage, und zwar ich habe gerade Rauschen auf dem rechten Ohr, und auf dem linken Ohr durchgehen ein Tinnitus, und mir is bisschen schwindelig mein rechtes Ohr is dazu noch taub, und ich habe leichte Kopfschmerzen, und ich wollte eigentlich jetzt schlafen gehen, aber ich habe halt Angst weil ich sowas noch nie hatte, Bitte um schnelle Antwort Lg

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1 year ago

Unfortunately, no one can tell you what’s wrong with your ear.

I know someone who recently had a noise and deafness on his ear, but he had a hearing fall. (What does not mean this must be the case with you. Could actually also be just too much earmuff)

As has been written, the HNO doctor can certainly tell you more about it.

Don’t go crazy and everything’s gonna be okay!

Wish you a pleasant night and good improvement.

Lg :

1 year ago

Too much ears in the right ear, go tomorrow to the HNO

1 year ago
Reply to  Joel1637

You’re not gonna get around to sleep. Your best option is to stop going to sleep and tomorrow directly to the HNO. He can help you better than any person at 2:00 at night on good question.