Was tuhen?

Es ist so das ich einfach so gut wie garnichts essen kann. Ich esse so gut wie kein Gemüse oder Obst oder sonst was es sieht für mich alles lecker aus aber wenn ich z.b in einer tomate reinbeise muss ich direkt erbrechen ich esse so gut wie nir reis kartoffeln nudeln pizza fertiggerichte oder suppe es ist schwer zu erklären aber ich muss sobald ich was neues probiere direkt kotzen weil ich warum auch immer eklig finde

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2 years ago

Since you mention fruits and vegetables in particular, you could think about fructosemal absorption. This can be demonstrated, for example, by a breathing test.

A kind of eating disorder could also be present. Such selective eating habits sometimes occur in children, but should usually become “growing”. I don’t know how old you are.

You could see a doctor because of the breathing test, but also to discuss your problem in general and your nutrient supply.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Learn German.

2 years ago

That could be a eating disorder called Picky Eating. Google, if that fits you.

2 years ago

You need to let a doctor explain this urgently.

But I have to say that I cannot eat much on the heat.

Try it with a cold cucumber soup (Gazpacho), if you can sneak it well, then you don’t even have to chew.

2 years ago
Reply to  Samsungziege

It can’t be. Do not do the dramaques here..

You asked the question 2 days ago and are in the meantime not starved. Something you seem to be able to take.

If you haven’t eaten or drank in this heat for 2/3 days, then you’re no longer able to tap texts into the phone, but hang somewhere on the hose.

Seriously –

Let me help you. This forum is not the right place for your “problems “.

And stop writing in connection with food constantly by” pussy ” .

2 years ago

All have written that you should go to the doctor. Please do this – do not get into a eating disorder, please!

2 years ago

Maybe you should go to the doctor.

2 years ago

Maybe you should go to the doctor to help you.