Was trinkt ihr so tagsüber?
Schreibt gerne mal, was ihr trinkt und wie viel, wenn ihr möchtet.
Schreibt gerne mal, was ihr trinkt und wie viel, wenn ihr möchtet.
Hallo, ich erwäge meine eigene Mundspülung zu verkaufen. Gilt Mundspülung rechtlich als Lebensmittel? Falls nein, gilt es als Kosmetik oder was? Was gilt bei Mundöl? Was gilt bei Öl zur Pflege des Mundraums? LG
Already a millionaire…There are plenty of very good kebabs in Stuttgart (Ützel Brützel/Kebab Haus am Feuersee, etc.), but the price/performance ratio is completely unrealistic these days. Would the name seriously persuade you to go there (it's another kebab chain, too)?
Also Freitag ist ja Feiertag (zumindest) in Österreich was kauft ihr da zum Essen ein? Ich hab irgendwie keine Ahnung was ich kaufen soll … Bzw. Was esst ihr so?
Hallo Ich 15 w habe festgestellt dass ich nicht mehr alles( so viel essen) kann. Ich habe nach dem ich etwas zuckerhaltiges wie kuchen oder weihnachtsgebäck gegessen habe sofort blähungen/Stuhldrang und ein Grummeln im Bauch und spüre Übelkeit im Hals. Ich kann wenns auf dem Tisch steht meist nicht nein sagen. Habt ihr Tipps gegen…
Hallo zusammen, Meinem kleinen Matti wurden am Mittwoch zwei Zähne gezogen. Seit dem hat er sehr wenig gefressen (verständlicher Weise). Meine Ärztin meinte ich solle ihm erstmal weiche Kost anbieten. Hab ihm also so gut es ging Banane, Gurke, Weintrauben, etc. angeboten. Teilweise hat er dann auch mal was gefressen. Zusätzlich habe ich ihm aber…
Total in summer about 2-4 liters. In winter only about 2 liters.
What? Water, sprout, unsweetened tea and occasionally other things (without alcohol). Lot? Long time 6-10 liters, currently 3.5-5 liters.
And you?
Oh wow, I drink too little and mostly, water (maybe 1 liter) and coffee (3 cups)
6-10 liters? That’s a lot. Do you have diabetes and are badly hired?
Hyperglycemia & type 2 diabetes?
•Other mineral water
• a bit of iced tea or various fruit juices
• or shower in water mixed
• rather still water
• Tea
you should drink 1-2 liters as a child
and as a teenager to adult 2-3 liters
but of course you can drink as much as you want. I hope I could help you.
lg. Stelli323
This also depends on the weather and the physical activity.
My favorite drink is quite clear coffee, but rather as a treat. So 2 – 4 cups a day. I care about quality. Otherwise I like to drink fruit juice choirs, with apple, orange and currant juice, not too bold. For the great thirst, at sport, or work, mineral water. Can be up to 7 ltr in summer, in heat.
I almost always drink water. If it is colder also like tea. Then a cup of tea. Keep up with the water again and again when I’m thirsty.
Two cups of tea and the rest of the day water. Come on two to three litres a day
Best regards, Jan
When I’m busy, I usually drink coffee, but also care to drink water.
Water, water and water again, which saves a lot of calories:)
Sometimes coffee with a little milk.
I prefer to drink cold water (1.5 L) or unsweetened tea
Usually so 2-3l water and about 3 cups of coffee.
Good evening, I only drink water a day, with kind regards
In addition to too much coffee from morning to evening, at least one liter of apple, o or multivitamin juice and half to whole liter of milk.
That’s very unhealthy.
https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/gesund- bleiben/ernaehrung/wie-viel-fruit juice-ist-gesund-825343.html
https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Fruchtsaft-Wie-Fruchtzucker-krank-macht,fruit juice162.html#:~:text=If%20many%20fruit sugar%20im%20K%C3%B6rper,l%C3%A4ngeren%20period%2C%20
https://natuerlich.thieme.de/current/news/detail/fruit juices-and-smoothies-warum-one-too many-der-leber-schadet-1705
https://www.rtl.de/cms/fruit liver risk-by-fruit juices-verraet-welche-ernaehrer-der-detox-organ-schaden-4860674.html
… etc.
keyword 👉 fat liver!
Because you take too much sugar with such amounts of juices. Especially the many fruit sugar is harmful!
Beer, water, mineral water, wine, apple juice
Coffee and fruit juice, beer in the evening
Tea, water, coffee.
Hello, Hanna25729. 😊
During the day I drink mainly coffee ☕️, and in the evening Cola light.
Peach juice.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Water, about 2-3 liters. From time to time glass showers of any kind, rarer times juice.
At work I always drink water and at home mostly Cola.
Most of it is water, but Spezi or Cola is always there.
I drink the day over 2 liters of coffee and 1.5 liters of sparkling water and/or lemon lemonade without sugar. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄