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Water is just healthy and you can get it as well as everywhere. Besides, it’s not that expensive.
I now drink more water like sweet drinks but sometimes I need a fanta or something
I also like to drink tea
Am huge water fan, sweet drinks are sometimes, energys also very rare.
Water only water. Mostly from my air up and nothing but water.
I like warm water, whether it’s tap water or mineral water. It’s best with some lemon.
Water, always without carbonic acid, everything else is barbaric.
Most Cola, Sprite
Water without carbonic acid and tea.
I drink most of Cola, Pepsi Max.
Abba Wassa is bessa
and a lot of tea. Another Cola Light.
Green water with fresh lemon or lime
Coffee, tea, cold milk, broth, water with taste
Water. Mostly with carbonic acid.
So a Fake Cola from Aldi
Mostly tap water.
Most of the time, I drink water, but I prefer Specific and Cola.
The best drink.
First of all, coffee, but also sprout water and lemonade without sugar.