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Mainly water (style, I’m afraid of bubbles 🤥)
Smoothies -Bananenshake/Mangoshake.
Coffee – gives nothing negative to caffeine 🤡,
Juices – pomegranate juice, peach nectar, guava nectar and a budding other nectars.
Alcoholic drinks – wine, Gintonic with rosemary.
Soft drinks – through and through lemon limo.
The one from the line. The coffee is on place 2 of my favorite drinks.
Almost only mineral water natural, without carbonic acid, in room temperature.
I can drink more than carbonic acid in it.
There’s a cappuccino for breakfast.
And from time to time to a scoral, and at the bread time a white beer with lemon, alcohol-free.
I prefer to drink sprout water, kakao, tea and cola.😊
LG Maike😁
I like to drink quiet, fresh mineral water 😊🌺
In between also a sprite, a juice and a tea 😊
I only drink water most preferably medium. Otherwise in the morning my cappuccino or in the winter tea that was.
Hi I prefer to drink apple juice and banana juice
I love cocoa!
It’s not always there.
And cocoa:)
HOLY Energy… also an energy with caffeine… but healthier than any other energy.
Tea and water.
Iced tea all varieties. Lg
Still water
The Bilig cola of GuG
with sprout
Still water
With gas