Was taugt Berufsberatung?
Berufsberater haben mich immer kritisiert weil ich wissen wollte, wass denn die Lukrativste Branche ist, der Lukrativste Beruf, im vergleich zu den Anforderungen und nötigen Skills.
Die sagten dann ich sollte lieber meiner Leidenschaft folgen. Aber wieso? Also ich hab keine Lukrativen Leidenschaften.
Und das Leben wird immer teurer. Was taugen Berufsberater, ausser, dass sie wohl mit den Kopf in den Wolken leben?
Ich meine welcher ernsthafte Berufsberater würde dazu raten den Beruf nach Leidenschaft zu wählen, anstatt Skill, Nachfrage und Gehalt?
Well, what’s the most lucrative industry? You won’t have any chances as a business consultant if you don’t have any analytical skills. But if you’re more talented, you’ll be rich as a musician.
Because most people burn for their passion and therefore also deal with more than 40 days a week. Gives enough people who make their passion a lucrative job, for example by leading social media channels over it, etc. Then the day is not regulated at 5 pm to the end.
By the way, there are also professions between “the most lucrative industry” and “poor”. You will be able to live a good life in most professions.
Not as a scientist e.g.
What is a “knowledge” for you?
You must have the impression that you meet the career choice “only” after your income. if that were so, you don’t need a professional advisor but just an Excel table
And you live in a fantasy world, and you’re still putting your head in the sand to avoid seeing reality?
Because with “what is the most lucrative industry, the most lucrative profession,” you told the professional advisors that it doesn’t matter what profession you take. He’s taking you a lot of money.
If you’d just look at your phone or laptop for a second, you wouldn’t have the problem. Not to the young, who also do not know where the journey goes, but to the elderly who have found their way. Then you realize that those who don’t do anything (also don’t work black) and never did anything, just do sorry. They haven’t experienced anything to tell and look at 40 like they’re about to die, what they do with 50.
I used to be young, and somehow everyone’s gonna do something to him before he started it. So why should a professional advisor tell you to pay for the money? If someone with two left hands does what craftsmanship instead of being a study or an office stallion, he will not have fun and vice versa. He won’t be rich either.
Somehow, those who do what will be successful. Just a few from my childhood in Lower Bavaria and what became of them:
One could only smoke, drink and play guitar. He is a successful musician and music teacher. In Bavaria an icon.
One could in fact only foolishly say so. As a moderator he has become known and successful.
Actually quite normal but unfortunately at school stupid like straw. It successfully runs a car workshop.
Except stupid. As a farmer but successful.
Others were only noticed at a later stage by not having noticed them. Under average self-confident, never failed but never did best work. Easy to calm. The successful insurance broker, car dealer or regional manager is enough.
The good ones at school now work at the nuclear power plant, BMW, Siemens, are officials, at a bank or insurance company. But also be good at school does not protect against wealth. Some are on the board or have started with corporations, were eventually found and then, with their thing, make a company that they sell or not at some point.
It may be that, for example, engineers at BMW or Siemens or that bankers with 67 earn not only on average as regards pension but also earned only on average over their lives. Just because in those who were more open to something completely different, the boss died or became strange at some point (after an education and professional experience) and they became quite quickly rich with their thing for which they then burned.
If you don’t have hobbies, you have to ask yourself what you do all day. Maybe you can talk, computer or even play something with a ball. If you start something and it’s not fun, it’s probably the wrong one. Usually, as a student, one underestimates that there are other people in work that are often more important than the actual job. If you can do something, you can learn something more easily.
That life and career choice is more than “what is the most lucrative industry” you see yourself when you look up briefly from the phone or laptop. Your circle will not be full of people who knew what they want to be and still do. Just as all parents like to do different things will come in the future. If some parents have become richer than others, it is not the industry or the profession, but what they have learned in doing and in the rest of their lives.
As I wrote to you, your talents are very important for your career choice. The consultants are right.
Take this test. He gives you the profession you are really suitable for. Take the test seriously, otherwise he does not spark.
And I repeat: a job you can’t do is nothing to do with you.
That’s why I say you have to find a compromise between interest, talent, availability, and content.
How many times should I say it? I’m not a German.
I don’t think they’re deaf. I’ve made the whole opposite of what they’ve told me.
You can find out about professions. Find me good