Was steht immer auf deiner Einkaufsliste?
Oder hast du es auswendig im Kopf?
Oder hast du es auswendig im Kopf?
Kann man über Lieferando auch essen zu einem öffentlichen Platz liefern? Alles ist normal zugänglich, NICHT irgendwo auf einer Wiese oder ähnliches
Ich habe noch einige Müller – Gutscheine und weiß nicht wie lange diese noch gültig sind. Wenn ich das Kaufdatum wüsste, könnte ich die 3 Jahre draufrechnen, aber ich weiß es leider nicht mehr. Deshalb bin ich zum Müller und habe es prüfen lassen, aber an der Kasse wird offensichtlich nur der Betrag angezeigt. Woher…
Ihr Lieben, Habt ihr gute Orte bzw Restaurants in NRW, die ihr weiter empfehlen könnt? Egal wo oder welche Richtung.
Bräuchte ein paar Lebensmittel, gibt es wo in München einen Supermarkt der heute/sonntags geöffnet hat?
I always record something to be bought and what I need for my menu.
When I buy other things in the basket but I don’t forget the “important” things. Even if the note is forgotten at home, what I once wrote up I can remember better
Thanks for star
I buy without a shopping list, let me inspire, but I always buy raisin rolls that taste so delicious and Mucci ice cream must never go out.
No, but my shopping list usually contains only shortcuts, e.g.
EJg -> Strawberry yogurt. Since there is rarely something new on the list, you can only find such abbreviations on my note.
Since I often forget the shopping list at home, I don’t have anything else to buy from my head. It usually works, so I rarely forget something.
had been shopping on Thursday, came back with 64 things, I can’t keep everything in mind (which is so small and has collected a lot of garbage
On the market I can do this easily and often buy a lot of spontaneously anyway. But in my tribal supermarket, I have my problems without shopping:-)
usually go through and take what laughs at me
On my shopping list is always fresh vegetables. And then what else I need for the week.
With me in the kitchen there is always a note on which everything is listed wid which becomes scarce! If I go shopping, I just have to take this note.
Almost never got a shopping list. I can still remember that I don’t forget what I want to buy.
I’m just writing up when I need something unusual, I’ve got the usual in my head. That’s why I always buy in the same store, I’m going to go by everything and see what I need.
I have a shopping block in my kitchen where I write what I need.
Since I had Corona, I can’t remember anything, and if I go shopping, I’ll buy all that I don’t need.
Always in your head.
Milk, Cola