Was spricht gegen Neapel?
Hallo zusammen
Ich möchte in den Sommerferien eine Reise mit 5 Freunden (17-18 Jahre alt) nach Neapel unternehmen. Allerdings hört man immer wieder von hoher Kriminalität, Flüchtlingswellen, aktiven Vulkanen und grossen Touristenmassen. Zudem ist die San-Bernardino-Route nach Italien aufgrund eines Unwetters gesperrt, weshalb viele auf den öffentlichen Verkehrt umsteigen werden. Da wir mit Interrail fahren wollen, bin ich auch angesichts dieser Tatsache besorgt. Wie schätzt ihr die Lage ein?
Liebe Grüsse
The crime in Napoli is mostly gang crime and plays in a closed circle.
To protect you from theft are enough measures that are actually normal anyway. So, for example, do not leave the bag unattended. The thieves are not on conflicts but take with them what is light prey.
Otherwise Napoli does not belong to my number 1 destinations, but worse than Berlin or Cologne it is not now.
In Naples I was already 4 x of crime you will probably only be caught in the relevant Millieu – not as a normal tour..
Refugee waves – get nothing of it.
And volcano. the inhabitants of Naples do not feel threatened.
Nothing speaks against Naples.
It is more problematic that minors are in your group and that many limitations must be observed.
What limitations, for example?
Minors are not allowed to go to a hotel without parents.
The full-year-olds are allowed to stop because they are full-year.
And the minors are more likely to be the fun brakes because they are not allowed to do so (juvenation protection laws). And if the minors still do this and get caught, the full-year-old who has the supervision will be held responsible.
Luckily have an apartment …
I was very disturbed by the waste and waste. My last stay in Naples is a few years back, maybe it’s better now. I was back in May in Salerno south of Naples, this city is very clean for me.
What are you doing in Napoli? Museum visits? There’s nothing wrong with “young people.” Source: own experience.
Naples sparks! There it is not more dangerous for tourists than in Cologne-Kalk.
I appreciate the situation: Naples is neither dangerous nor has it more crowds than in other cities.