Was spricht für und gegen die Impfung?

Mal ganz neutral! Und ist genesen lassen eine Alternative?

Ich will mich ja, als Narzisst nicht unterdrücken lassen, aber um am Alltagsleben teilnehmen zu können, muss ich entweder geimpft oder genesen sein. Und damit meine ich nicht Essen gehen, Gym oder Ähnliches. Nein, das ist keine Notwendigkeit. Aber besonders die ÖPVN, da ich noch keinen Führerschein habe. Soll ja eventuell eingeführt werden…

Welche Impfung ist am zulässigsten? Wie steht ihr dazu, dass man es immer nachfrischen muss, und und und? Ist genesen lassen nicht die bessere Alternative?

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3 years ago

For vaccination, there are two ways to get a basic protection against sars-cov-2, and the vaccination is the one with the significantly lower risks. For vaccination, it says that vaccinated will have fewer restrictions at least for the next few weeks. For vaccination, it also says that it is much more unlikely to have quarantine.

The vaccination doesn’t speak much. You have to take care of an appointment. Proud is not a meaningful guide when it comes to medical decisions. The goal is to remain as healthy as possible. At least I think.

Moderna and biontech are the vaccinations with the best protection. The two do not do much, but biontech is more widespread and thus better available.

Whether you need to refresh this in the long term is not yet fixed. We’ll see. I’ll take care of it when it’s ready. For the first time, I want to be as hot as possible through the winter.

Which aspect should be better? Protection no longer lasts. The decision on refreshment or not is the same. Only the basic protection is purchased with higher risks.

3 years ago

Die Impfung ist die einzige rationale Entscheidung.

Die Impfstoffe haben alle Phasen der klinischen Studien durchlaufen und mit exzellenten Werten im Bezug auf Sicherheit und Effektivität abgeschlossen. Die Daten aus diesen Studien sind peer-reviewed publiziert:




Zusätzlich wurden diese Daten im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahrens von diversen unabhängigen Arzneimittel-Behörden geprüft. Deren Expertenkommissionen haben diese Daten bestätigt, weswegen den Impfstoffen die Zulassung erteilt wurde:



Inzwischen ist der erste dieser Impfstoffe (BioNTech) in den USA auch nach dem regulären Zulassungsverfahren zugelassen:



Hier gibt es auch eine sehr detaillierte Empfehlung der STIKO des RKI zu diesen Impfstoffen:


Die guten Sicherheitsdaten aus den klinischen Studien haben sich in den Monaten seit dem bestätigt:



Alle beschriebenen Nebenwirkungen sind indes entweder harmlos oder extrem selten. Sowohl die bei den Vektorimpfstoffen beschriebenen Gerinnungsstörungen:


Als auch die bei den RNA-Impfstoffen auftretenden Herzmuskelentzünfungen:


sind extrem selten und treten bei Covid-19 wesentlich häufiger auf.

Spätschäden sind bei Impfstoffen extrem selten. So selten dass diese im Regelfall nicht vor Zulassung dokumentiert werden können. Wenn Langzeitfolgen entdeckt werden, damn geschieht dies auch bei anderen Impfstoffen erst im Rahmen der Phase 4, der Pharmakovigilanz NACH der Zulassung. Eine Gute Quelle hierzu ist dieser Blog-Artikel:


Eine gute deutschsprachige Erklärung zu diesem Thema gibt es hier:


Eine realere Bedrohung sind neue Mutanten welche die Effektivität der Impfstoffe reduzieren. Delta tut dies in einem gewissen Maße, aber dennoch bleiben die Impfstoffe hier sehr effektiv gegen symptomatische Erkrankungen und schwere Verläufe:




Daten bezüglich dem Schutz vor Infektionen sind inzwischen verfügbar und ebenfalls durchaus positiv. So infizieren sich ungeimpfte 3 Mal häufiger mit der Delta-Variante als vollständig geimpfte:


Delta mag den Schutz von Geimpften leicht reduzieren, mit einer mehr 60%igen Reduktion der Transmission bleiben die Impfungen aber weiter effektiv und ein wertvolles Werkzeug um die Ausbreitung des Virus zu verringern.


Auch aus der Schweiz kommen ähnliche Daten:


Auch in Sachen Hospitalisierungen sind die Daten hier eindeutig:


Inzwischen gibt es auch größere Studien zu diesem Thema, beispielsweise diese:


Hier wird die Effektivität des Moderna-Impfstoffs gegenüber Infektionen und Hospitalisierungen mit jener der BioNTech-Impfung verglichen. Beide bleiben auch gegenüber Delta sehr effektiv gegen Hospitalisierungen (81% und 75%), Moderna zeigt zudem auch weiterhin eine hohe Effektivität (76%) gegenüber Infektionen. Biontech hat hier etwas an Effektivität eingebüßt, mit einer Effektivität von 42% gegenüber Infektionen ist dieser Impfstoff aber dennoch ein wertvolles Werkzeug gegen die Pandemie.

Zudem können Booster hier Abhilfe schaffen. Daten aus Israel legen nahe, dass BioNTech nach einer 3. Impfung ebenfalls eine 86% Effektivität in der Verhinderung von Infektionen mit der Delta-Variante zeigt.

Ähnliche Ergebnisse kommen auch aus dem UK:



Hier schneidet BioNTech besser ab, mit einer VE von ca. 80% gegenüber Infektionen nach zwei Dosen. Astrazeneca bietet hier eine VE von ca. 70%, beide Impfstoffe sind damit vergleichbar mit der Schutzwirkung einer bereits durchgemachten Covid-19 Infektion (72%).

Und auch in Israel sieht es ähnlich aus: Delta reduziert das Risiko einer Infektion “nur” noch um 39%, gegenüber Hospitalisierungen (88%) und schweren Erkrankung (91%) sind die aber weiter sehr effektiv.


In Summe: Es gibt, abgesehen von medizinisch begründeten Ausnahmen, beispielsweise schwere Allergiker, keinen rationalen Grund sich nicht impfen zu lassen. Diese Impfstoffe sind der einzige realistische Weg aus der Pandemie und haben das Potenzial zahlreiche Leben zu retten.

3 years ago
Reply to  dadita

The problem with your answer is only that vaccinators cannot read so long 😉

3 years ago

70% lower probability to infect.

95% lower probability of having a serious course in an infection.

90% less likely to suffer from Long Covid-19.

Disadvantage: Since vaccination simulates a small part of the infection, you may have similar symptoms for a two day.

3 years ago

No intentionally to plug in is NOT an alternative.

And yes, the vaccination is safe and sensible. There’s nothing that speaks about it.

If anyone could have vaccinated, we wouldn’t have had this situation.

And for the public, you have to test yourself. is free again

3 years ago
Reply to  Nordseefan

Sure, that’s an alternative. I’ve been trying for about 18 months. There’s no chance I can try that.

3 years ago

Not only everyday life should be a reason to let yourself be vaccinated, but simply to enjoy your own health.

3 years ago

The increasing number of infections speak for vaccination….

No, no, no, no.

3 years ago

What speaks for and against vaccination?

Situation without vaccination

The probability that you without vaccination in the next few months is high. The probability that the disease has bad consequences for yourself is low. The likelihood that you’re putting someone else is high. And the more people are plugged in, the longer these crappy measures will remain.

Situation with vaccination

The probability that you with vaccination in the next few months is less than without vaccination. The probability that the disease has bad consequences with yourself is not only small but almost impossible. The likelihood that you’re putting someone else is much less than without vaccination. This would help to stop the measures faster.


The advantage is that by vaccination you reduce the risk of putting others in place and you reduce the (low) risk of illnessing yourself. Healthy disadvantages do not provide vaccination. But if there are no disadvantages, you should do it.

What vaccination is most permissible?

The most reliable is the vaccination with Comirnaty from Biontech/Pfizer.

How do you think you need to refresh it, and and and?

This increases the effectiveness. After all, you take an antibiotic not only once.

Doesn’t make the better alternative?

Since vaccination is more harmless than the disease, vaccination is the better alternative. Because there are three ways to survive the pandemic

  1. genes
  2. Died
  3. vaccinated

Possibility 1 or 2 is a matter of happiness. Possibility 3 is in hand.


3 years ago

I’ll let you inoculate with Biontech and be good.

3 years ago

It is.

You’ll have a slight course at 98%, you’ll be home for 2 weeks and then you’ll have everything.

But I don’t think the 2g is coming for ÖPNV. This would be a hard blow in the economy and against the interests of the Greens.

3 years ago

letting it go… can go backwards if the course gets so bad you’re gonna die… so I really wouldn’t do that consciously.

to your questions:

  1. currently approved: Biontech has the highest efficiency and reliability.
  2. So many well-known vaccinations work that they need to be renewed. Wasn’t different for years but suddenly it’s a problem… A virus now mutates and is just in the end a completely different version than before. You have to think about it.

I can really understand everyone who has abdominal pain. with the whole Astra debate, etc. and I also see a great failure of politics.

However, in this topic it is important to deal with science really neutral and not hear from Dieter on the regular table.

Inoculation is nothing new and the current preperates are not. So it’s not a conspiracy, and we’re not a test jugs that get something completely new.

That’s why I’ve been vaccinated, even though I don’t trust the government or the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not necessary to just deal with it.

3 years ago

All neutral:

If only you could infect yourself and only you would get it a personal decision from you! However:

  • after infection you will infect other contact persons in your environment as well as you have been infected
  • Do you have an unimpeded significantly higher risk of serious illnesses over long COVID to death, or the infected by you (girlfriend, parents, grandparents)
  • With your decision, you can charge the health system financially, humanly and, if necessary, unnecessarily occupy the intensive bed space that a third party (cancer?) needs.
  • Keeps the bad corona game at significantly increased pace
3 years ago
Reply to  Ursusmaritimus

*virtual gossip*

3 years ago
Reply to  Kidnap

A flu would have more harmful consequences.

That’s what you see about the deaths despite all the measures and vaccinations, right?

The Spanish flu had (without our possibilities of medicine and vaccinations or Lockdown etc.) estimated up to 50 million dead at less than 2 billion people in the world.

Corona is now coming to >5 million deaths at > 7 billion people and this despite all our possibilities!

But a flu is worse?

3 years ago

Without vaccination: death

With vaccination: less death

3 years ago
Reply to  RechterFechter

But death is death….

3 years ago
Reply to  Seanen2020

Much fun then

3 years ago
Reply to  RechterFechter

Maybe for you. For others definitely different

3 years ago
Reply to  merlinbraun

I speak here for most people

3 years ago
Reply to  RechterFechter

Sarkasmus is not understandable for everyone…

3 years ago
Reply to  RechterFechter

Some have gotten worse, some haven’t got what death? Some have also died of vaccination This is bullshit

3 years ago
Reply to  Isabella726

Therefore, less death 😒

3 years ago

Why children even take the risk of getting Corona?

3 years ago

Yes, but the impoverished children! KINDER! With children it is so unlikely that they get strong corona!

3 years ago

Thank you, at least I would be vaccinated, but still death.

3 years ago

Waiting for an infection is a risky game. Even as a young person. Many have easy processes, some heavy, few die. Very, very few die of vaccination. We haven’t talked about Long Covid yet. I don’t think the vaccination has long-term consequences.

3 years ago

In my opinion, genesis is the A and O. If you have developed antibodies you are as good as the most immune. I’m really guessing. Nevertheless, it is your body Your decision : I don’t let myself intrude because a lot of people have died. I’m not taking the risk. The others do not bear it- the others 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Isabella726

No one has died of vaccination – a lot of people are already saying.

3 years ago
Reply to  steefi

Well, I’m right about the content.

but there are a handful of cases that are examined. Yes I speak of 3 cases in a year related to billions of people.

but also at 99.99% we talk about 0.01% possibility

3 years ago
Reply to  Isabella726

many people have already died of it.

It’s untrue. Please show this with valid numbers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Isabella726

3/4 wrong. Genesis brings many rugged cellular immunity, but antibodies that decisively reduce the risk of the breakthrough with high contagion oeast are faster away than in vaccination, and at 20% as well as not present.


That’s better in vaccination. The optimum immunity is genesis and vaccination. The risk of recovery is dramatic over that of vaccination. So… just inoculate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Herfried1973

It’s too dangerous. I’m vaccinated

3 years ago

A lot of condolences.

3 years ago

And do you mean such answerers can capture these, your subtleties? I say: No, there’s only a placative answer.

3 years ago

I just wanted to say that “nobody died” is not right.

at least there are cases that will be examined accurately. Since a child died. How far the remedy is really pollutant, of course you have to look.

But, as I said, I give you basically the risk is extremely low compared to the disease no question.

but even if you argue with facts, you should also call them right.

3 years ago

And how much safety do you want? If you go green over the pedestrian lights you can still be overdriven by the car, but it is significantly more unlikely.

3 years ago

Nothing about it and the side effects, especially those that have not been researched so far, because the time is missing, the propaganda, the compulsion, the harmlessness etc. speak against it. Compulsion, propaganda, violence are the principles of the devil. The blunt mass can subdue to this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zensurisploed

Whow, what a bleeding mischief.

3 years ago
Reply to  Basstom

That convinced me now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zensurisploed

The worst side effect of the COVID disease is death and so far about 100,000 times only in Germany…

3 years ago
Reply to  Ursusmaritimus

On and with. And yet no mortality in 2020. No flu dead. Thinking people understand what is happening here. The rest can be roasted a free sausage.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zensurisploed

Pretty stupid stuff you give from you and because of people like you, the whole society must suffer longer

3 years ago
Reply to  steefi

Right. I’m more unvaccinated to protect you because it can’t get your vaccination, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Zensurisploed

The blunt mass can subdue to this.

And that’s not propaganda?

3 years ago
Reply to  Grautvornix

No. Here is some help for you:


3 years ago

Oh, you want to go?

3 years ago

You put the whole village under water because the macho has forgotten to clear a candle.

3 years ago

I would only act if there was a significant difference from previous years. That’s not the case!

You will extinguish the fire when the house is burnt – class

3 years ago

The lockdown is only as long as R is above 1, only as long as exponential development, only until it is quieter in the clinics, just to protect the old ones… Nona of them occurred, none of them were held…

What’s going on? That people can get sick and die?

I would only act if there was a significant difference from previous years. That’s not the case!

3 years ago

You can’t mean that seriously…

From whom is the decisive question…

I’m a person with a limited range. It is quite different for publicly legal propagamda institutions.

Restriction of discourse: Check. Or when did you see Bhakdi, Wodarg, Schiffmann, etc. in a neutral interview setting?

Mixing opinion and facts: Check out any article you just find very great and especially consider the adjectives.

It’s good that you’re leading the propaganda techniques.

There is no one that has not been used by the public law.

Most important are the publicly legal propaganda ad Nausseam, ad Hominem, ad verecundiam and the programmatic fear generation. Fear generation is called a central means in the BMI Paper for communication. But you probably didn’t know that.

3 years ago

Because I want the pandemic to pass.

3 years ago

The various aspects of a subject should not be presented, and the mixing of information and opinion characterizes the
Propaganda techniques.

Funny, but that’s exactly what you’re doing?

3 years ago

Right. He also “defined” madness. Why are you all “boostars”?

3 years ago

Just as easy as I lied to you with my last post, you’ve given you all rights. Don’t remember it. Bye.

3 years ago

There is a quote from a physicist of whom many have already heard, it is: Two things are infinite, the universe and the human stupidity, but in the universe I am not quite sure yet.

3 years ago

Oh, cool, that was easy! 😊👍

3 years ago

Each unimpeded is sooner or later (approximately by the end of the year 2021)Futter/Opfer for the virus.

Only vaccinations that are “hidden” in their own four walls remain spared. 😕

3 years ago

They’re all allowed. The question is, of course, whether you should get a doubtful stuff to get rid of repressants. For my part, I prefer to sit the repressants and hope that you do not drop the last “masks” and bring the general duty to vaccinate and thus make it clear that inoculation is only voluntary if people can be forced to “voluntary” inoculate (which then becomes clear what it actually has with “voluntaryness”). The once-worn paradigms of “no vaccination through the back door” and “no two-class society” are already down the stream.

3 years ago
Reply to  highlandor

Doubtious stuff?

3 years ago
Reply to  Serenety78

Jupp. There are lots of reports of highly problematic side effects, not to mention the variants in which the official narrative, which is enforced by censorship (expressing the expression of deviating information), is questioned.

3 years ago
Reply to  highlandor

Thanks to Delta. With Delta, vaccination is essential except you want in the next 10 years, every winter 6 months (Nov. to April) Lockdown…

3 years ago
Reply to  Herfried1973

There are still other solutions, even those that are compatible with the mainstream narrative, only will they don’t think.

3 years ago
Reply to  highlandor

I don’t want to know how many things You’ve already taken to you from whom you have no idea.

3 years ago

I don’t have any questions.

3 years ago

May I not call here; would otherwise be immediately deleted from censorship (
(“Fake News Spread”). Even harder consequences. No sources can be brought except those that support the official narrative.

3 years ago

And you mean he’s not doing this when he’s vaccinated?

Sure, some people will criticize it. But many – like me – would sign immediately and would then be out of the equation. You would very successfully drive a wedge into the vaccination camp because you would offer them a self-determined alternative.

I assume that many who have criticized you here have been vaccinated themselves. They therefore belong to those who are not interested in such consistent self-determination and therefore go differently. But these aren’t the ones you have to convince with your offer. Even if only half of the inoculated sign, then you have increased the vaccination camp – say 70% (the numbers are constantly changing) to 85%. If the statements of the word-leading physicians (which, unfortunately, also change their opinion all nose lengths) some baptism, this 85% would have to be enough for herd immunity.

Of course, the condition would be that the vaccinated people cease to suffer in a bunch of Corona, but this is another chapter. There’s a boostar. 😂

3 years ago

I already gave the proposal. There were only bad comments from the inoculated, such as cruel, hard… Make this and the mob of the unimpeded storms Parliament with torches and hay forks.

3 years ago

You have to think more than these trivialities. The unvaccinated people insist on their own responsibility. Make each one of them offer to sign a statement that he dispenses with hospital treatment in the event of a corona infection (response loss). In return, there are full rights at eye level with the vaccinated. The vaccinated people are (probably) protected, so they don’t care. Since the inmates are concerned with their right to self-determination about their own health, the depressing lion is happy to sign. The remaining 10% vaccinations that are not willing to sign this statement will send you from me to the lockdown. They play a number of but no more significant role.

Already you have freedom for all, no hospitalization and in the zero-command the herd immunity, as the unimped will infect everyone (probably) and then solve the problem on the hard tour. (Sweden is by the way; they have only few cases.)

It would mean, however, that people have the responsibility to decide themselves about their lives instead of dictating them and possibly even forcing them to vaccination. That would be more ethical than what is happening right now. But that’s not wanted. The goals are different. That’s why no one puts such a proposal on the table.

3 years ago

I also don’t want a lockdown, nor a solidarity with the anti-social disorders that are now overrun by the clinics.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Opvn will not go through. I don’t think I’ve got anything to do with it, but since they’ve been able to force me to, they can lick my ass. If they had offered me something, instead of just cutting my life, I would have let myself inoculate.

3 years ago
Reply to  merlinbraun

So just from a childish mind?

By the way the initially the vaccination simply offered so, quite long everyone could be inoculated, so your argument does not fit so right.

Only when everyone had long since had the opportunity to do so, but many did not want to perceive them, was slowly distinguished between vaccination and unvaccinated, because that would have been unfair for the vaccinated, to continue as before.

3 years ago
Reply to  Deamonia

Yes, there was the possibility, but for me as a healthy middle 20 no reason. And instead of giving us a positive incentive like 50€ for a vaccination because we do this exclusively for society (if we wanted to do it for us, we would have done it long ago), we are trying to force ourselves. Not with me

3 years ago
Reply to  merlinbraun

Of which in the 70s have not laid a belt, some are dead that could still live.

It doesn’t make anyone a bungee jump without a rubber rope! Why not?

Because that’s pretty stupid.

3 years ago
Reply to  Grautvornix

And it was their own decision.

3 years ago

Are you serious? You know what, I don’t give you a bratwurst, even with mustard, if you let yourself intrude, it’s really not supposed to fail the two euro!

3 years ago

Great, they can be proud of it.


He was steadfast until last and read nothing.

3 years ago

No, that’s what I mean. After all, in this scenario, I’m going to be invaded for you, and then you can give me something for it. If, by the way, there would be no single case, in America some have gotten weed and even here in Germany there was a sausage for vaccination in Thuringia.

3 years ago

Oh, you want money, or anything other than a gift, so you’re gonna get vaccinated?

To the extent that the government is extorted by vaccinators!

If you mean it differently, please explain.

3 years ago

No I said literally, “Have they offered me something instead of just cutting my life…” Who can read and is able to recognize the simplest logical connections is clearly in the advantage

3 years ago

So your answer was a lie?

Because you’ve still claimed that you’d let yourself invade if it had been voluntary.

3 years ago

I do not need to explain what kind of vaccination is. The virus has also been present in Germany since the end of 2019, so everyone should know the importance of vaccination.
What’s against vaccination? Nothing.
At the very beginning where one started to administer the vaccinations, I was also skeptical.
One, two enlightening conversations with professionals and self-researchers on the Internet (serious sources, no Facebook or telegram groups) have been enough to form their own opinion.
If you can’t be inoculated, but still adhere to any hygiene rule, I have absolutely nothing against it.
But vaccinators who then also provocatively disregard any rules and therefore put the health of others at stake I cannot suffer at all.

Their two main arguments are: “how can it be that vaccination can be produced in just one year if a flu vaccination took several years at that time,” and “I don’t want cancer in 10 years because of vaccination”

  1. Could be produced every vaccination in 1 year if you have the necessary money. If you have little money at your disposal, you will be working on it slowly.
  2. To get cancer or other diseases, the vaccination should change your DNA. And she doesn’t.

But explain this to people