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4 years ago

Contrary to

  1. On paper, it has a lower effectiveness than other vaccines (but still high enough)
  2. In the first days, stronger side effects may occur (which merely means that the immune system is stimulated more strongly, which is actually good – just “feeling” badly)
  3. He has a bad reputation for any reason


  1. It is effective
  2. It is suitable to prevent infections or at least to weaken the course of an infection
  3. There are considerations that it could ultimately lead to prolonged immunization due to the mode of action.
  4. It is available
4 years ago
Reply to  ohwehohach

60-70% effectiveness should be at the beginning. Recently, however, just as good as Biontec. Now is the question? Do you want to sew the Us or just get rid of their vaccine?

4 years ago
Reply to  lasdas

I can assure you they don’t want to euc. it is just that the vaccine protects a little bit less in the first week, but after about 2 weeks until a month it looks as good or even better than the other

4 years ago
Reply to  lasdas

the vaccine is now in use as a result of practical figures coming to the theoretical. It also shows how much time the vaccine acts, which also has an influence.

4 years ago

It always happens that individual batches do not meet the quality requirements (and this does not even have to be a problem – the requirements here are usually much higher than necessary). Then they’ll be taken out of traffic. I think that’s more soothing than worrying. Of course, qualitatively low-quality batches should not come into circulation in the ideal case, but it can happen now – especially when considering the time pressure under which it is necessary to be produced at the moment.

4 years ago

The report will nevertheless be carefully awaited. One more thing is that Charchen No. XXXX was taken out of traffic? So it was the filling?

4 years ago

Well, the question is what she has now died exactly and how the causality is. Sure, side effects are never excluded, but it doesn’t really scare me.

Also note the very clear statement of the hospital

Currently there are
no evidence of a connection with this vaccination, due to the temporal coincidence, the
AKH Vienna and MedUni Vienna yet everything is done to explain the cause of death completely

4 years ago

Absolutely. But I mean, she had thrombosis?! I think you should just be careful that you are healthy before vaccination, then everything is fine. The vaccine makes you a cold, so the likelihood of dying is as high as any normal infect, I would suspect. Who would have thought that the ever-known Vector vaccine will be depleted, while all want the MRNA vaccine approved for the first time! 😀

4 years ago

Let’s hope! A negative message came today from Vienna: “Sick nurse died after vaccination with Astra Zeneca -10 days later.

4 years ago


  • he works
  • is based on a very well-known and proven method of vaccine production
  • is also inexpensive to produce in large quantities.
  • easy to handle does not have to be cooled.


  • he has a bad “righ” because he was first admitted only for u 65 and the studies have caused confusion
  • he has a somewhat worse efficiency.
4 years ago

The vaccination at Astra Zeneca is only after 9 to 12 weeks. So it takes almost 3 months after the first vaccination until the complete protection exists. The vaccine is currently available.

In mRNA vaccines, the two-vaccination after about 4 weeks is not available at the moment.

4 years ago

The side effects in the first days are worse at A.Z. than with the other vaccines, otherwise the effect is comparable to that of the other vaccines.

4 years ago

He says he’s a vaccine that has an effect.

By contrast, this effect is not as “strong” as that of, for example, Biontech.

3 years ago

I’m under 60, I’ve got a preliminary disease. If you offer me the AstraZeneca, I won’t accept it. The risk is too high.

3 years ago
Reply to  Katinkacat

Is your good right, but you say that the contagious consequences with Corona are much worse!

3 years ago
Reply to  Horus737

You’re flattering. Something like that can’t be flattered.

3 years ago

I meanwhile got moderna, 1.