Was spricht für/gegen AstraZeneca?
Was spricht eurer Meinung nach für oder/und gegen AstraZeneca (Corona-Impfstoff)?
Was spricht eurer Meinung nach für oder/und gegen AstraZeneca (Corona-Impfstoff)?
Also.. vor 1-2 Tagen hat ne Stelle an meinem oberarm extrem gebrannt… als hätte da jemand direkt Feuer hingehalten und heute hab ich womöglich diesen blauen Fleck da entdeckt… was könnte das sein ? Und nein, ich hab mich in der letzten Zeit nirgendwo mich da verletzt… war plötzlich einfach da
Hallo Zusammen , darf man selbst gemachtes Lebensmittel verkaufen, wenn man eine Gewerbe hat? DANKE im Voraus
Bei der Bundeswehr sind Kollektivstrafen an der Tagesordnung: Wenn einer Mist baut, werden alle bestraft. Kollektivstrafen sind ja verboten. Warum aber nicht bei der Bw bzw. warum sind sie dort möglich?
Hilft das bei chronischen Schmerzen? Diese senken nachweislich die geistigen Fähigkeiten, und ich wäre lieber tot als dumm.
Hallo, ich habe schon letzte Woche eine Frage zu dem Röntgenbild gestellt. Leider weigert mein Zahnarzt sich, mir zu helfen. Es tritt bereits ekliges Sekret aus dem Zahnfleischtaschen und beim Putzen schmerzt es wie die Hölle. Außerdem kann ich nicht aufbeißen. Es läuft jetzt schon alles über den Gutachter. Aber kann man dort einen Knochenabbau…
…obwohl ich Normalgewicht habe (158cm 50kg). andere Leute denken ich wäre untergewichtig, wieso ist das so? Oder ist meine Waage vielleicht kaputt?
Contrary to
60-70% effectiveness should be at the beginning. Recently, however, just as good as Biontec. Now is the question? Do you want to sew the Us or just get rid of their vaccine?
I can assure you they don’t want to euc. it is just that the vaccine protects a little bit less in the first week, but after about 2 weeks until a month it looks as good or even better than the other
the vaccine is now in use as a result of practical figures coming to the theoretical. It also shows how much time the vaccine acts, which also has an influence.
It always happens that individual batches do not meet the quality requirements (and this does not even have to be a problem – the requirements here are usually much higher than necessary). Then they’ll be taken out of traffic. I think that’s more soothing than worrying. Of course, qualitatively low-quality batches should not come into circulation in the ideal case, but it can happen now – especially when considering the time pressure under which it is necessary to be produced at the moment.
The report will nevertheless be carefully awaited. One more thing is that Charchen No. XXXX was taken out of traffic? So it was the filling?
Well, the question is what she has now died exactly and how the causality is. Sure, side effects are never excluded, but it doesn’t really scare me.
Also note the very clear statement of the hospital https://www.smallzeitung.at/international/corona/5947297/Tod-after-vaccination_Kein-Hinweis-auf-kausalen-Causal-Customs:
Absolutely. But I mean, she had thrombosis?! I think you should just be careful that you are healthy before vaccination, then everything is fine. The vaccine makes you a cold, so the likelihood of dying is as high as any normal infect, I would suspect. Who would have thought that the ever-known Vector vaccine will be depleted, while all want the MRNA vaccine approved for the first time! 😀
Let’s hope! A negative message came today from Vienna: “Sick nurse died after vaccination with Astra Zeneca -10 days later.
The vaccination at Astra Zeneca is only after 9 to 12 weeks. So it takes almost 3 months after the first vaccination until the complete protection exists. The vaccine is currently available.
In mRNA vaccines, the two-vaccination after about 4 weeks is not available at the moment.
The side effects in the first days are worse at A.Z. than with the other vaccines, otherwise the effect is comparable to that of the other vaccines.
He says he’s a vaccine that has an effect.
By contrast, this effect is not as “strong” as that of, for example, Biontech.
I’m under 60, I’ve got a preliminary disease. If you offer me the AstraZeneca, I won’t accept it. The risk is too high.
Is your good right, but you say that the contagious consequences with Corona are much worse!
You’re flattering. Something like that can’t be flattered.
I meanwhile got moderna, 1.