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9 months ago

Go to the doctor. He will then give tips on diet, lifestyle and physical activity, and accordingly prescribe medication.

75% of excessive blood pressure is due to incorrect diet and too little sport.

9 months ago

You don’t have to do so much. 14 days, each day at the same time measure in a rest posture and write down. If the values are too high go to a doctor and discuss the medication.

9 months ago

The doctor determines that, prescribed tablets and checks that regularly. Often there is a transfer to the cardiologist who checks with a measuring device attached to you for 24 hours pulse and blood pressure.

That’s how it works if the patient can’t change the lifestyle or wants.

9 months ago

Simply go to the pediatrician who, depending on how high blood pressure is, will either arrange tablets and/or send you to an internist.

9 months ago

In the case of high blood pressure, there is a close-mesh annual control of a cardiologist, as well as a therapeutic intake of blood pressure lowers.

Good luck! 🍀

9 months ago

They’re supposed to go to their family doctor, who’ll arrange everything necessary. This applies not only from 50.