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I give something to a real homeless person.
A beautiful gift is RESPEKT!
If a homeless person sits in front of a supermarket with his luggage, I’ll ask him before I see if he wants something out of the store.
You’d be wondering about the answers I’ve received so far. People do not say alcohol or tobacco!
But then, quite normal wishes come like: a shower gel, toothbrushes, fresh apples, a pack of salami or cheese, a prince roll, Viennese sausages, soluble coffee or a can of chicken soup.
Here in NRW there are also sometimes sellers of the homeless magazine Fifty-Fifty in front of the shops. These people are tested by the organization behind them and also really needy people. Please support these people too. You don’t have to buy them a magazine. But the euro from the shopping trolley can always be hurt, right?
Who gets nothing is this people from the Bettelmafia.
If they have “positioned” a child or a crippled woman with inadequate clothing again somewhere in winter, while the narrower guys sit in a sight-width with running engine in a downshot, drunk and smoke expensive Red Bull.
I’ll either let the security know or call the police.
For example, I had a (personal) incisive experience when I “retrieved” myself, a homeless (near the “Bettelmafia”) who stood there with a sign “Please money for food” to actually get something to eat at the baker next door. I’ll never forget the look with which he looked at me and with which he threw away the food bag immediately. But also had many other situations where people were really very grateful.
Since then, for me, I’d rather get a food package with 1.5 liters of drink for 10-20 Euro as well as just a Euro in bar.
I can also remember a scene in winter when a lady gave a homeless bag of fruit that she previously filled for good money at the vegetable store around the corner. The homeless has insulted the woman and thrown her out of the fruit. He wanted money for liquors and cigarettes! That was bad to see.
An older gentleman I’ve been bringing something more often, I wondered if he might want a busy bunny. Then he smiled and showed me his backpack, in which there were already at least 5 bags with covered rolls. He then wanted and got a glass of bock sausages and mustard.
There’s someone good looking at Netflix
I think a homeless would be happy to eat something warm and drink. He won’t be able to start with a lottery ticket.
Brötchen. From the lottery ticket he has nothing (probability to win is too low).
Personally, I think giving something to eat is always the better option, because there are those organizations that only pretend to be homeless and earn their money. If someone is really homeless, he/she will also be happy to eat something.
Essware. Ggf. Ne warm blanket or matching jacket. so available and needed.
Would give a lottery ticket.
Who knows how many rolls of the homeless have already received and whether it may not land in the garbage.
I’ve read an article in which we don’t know that they don’t necessarily want to get food, and I can understand that.
A lottery ticket is a cool idea
First of all attention. Most people ignore homeless people and walk past them as if they weren’t there.
Ask him “can I buy them something to eat or drink?” But some also need something from the pharmacy or something from Budni, for example baby towels, with which the hands clean. It’s best if you ask. And please don’t shower.
The chance of winning a lot is low. Getting food is much more important.
Brötchen, or drinks are also looking for
From the side a bun makes more sense ðŸTM‚
A bun. You can’t eat a lottery ticket.
rolls and a scratch-free
Love a bun
Why not both?
Haha just looked like this:D
What kind of episode? 😅
Squidgame S2F1
Ah, okay xD So the FS asked about a series 😂😅