Was sollte man beim ersten Mal macig mushrooms beachten?

Ich werde nacher zum ersten Mal macig mushrooms zu mir nehmen worauf sollte ich achten

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

When dealing with drugs, it is fundamental that you should be in a good physical, mental and emotional constitution when you take them. This applies in particular to psychedelics that can strengthen existing thoughts, moods and emotions.

It should also be noted that mushrooms are natural products. How much active ingredient these contain is not exactly determined and strongly depends on the cultivation and growth conditions. One should be aware that an experience can be a bit weaker or even a bit more powerful than one imagined it and should in doubt rather do something more neutral.

In wild mushrooms there is a certain risk of confusion. Dried mushrooms are particularly difficult to identify. It should be ensured that the material contains psilocybin at all. There are Psilo test kits (Google) with which something can be detected.

In any case, you should Safer use and the concept of Set and Setting be familiar. A Tripsitter, that is, a familiar and above all sober person who can bring down in doubt or request help (cf. Drug emergency), is recommended.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

PS: minors, people who are prestressed healthily and people who are not emotionally stable are urgently advised of the consumption of psilocybinous fungi.

1 year ago

Take very little and see if you turn your stomach. If everything’s OK after 20min, take it. Best setting is the free nature, hands away from vehicles.

1 year ago
Reply to  rhavin

20 minutes is too short! The effect can only partially come after an hour.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dadamien86908

Bullshit. When you turn your stomach, it happens in less than half an hour or nothing.

1 year ago

The stomach content is crucial.
Empty stomach = rapid flooding of an oral substance (15-20 min).
Full stomach = Slow flooding of active ingredients (45 – 60 min.)

1 year ago

Google “Magic Mushrooms” bei Drugcouts.de

1 year ago

Hello, I mean this now only as a kind hint please let the fingers of this also make these things extremely dependent I know that of acquaintance please leave the fingers of it and if you write this so pure you have to consider with good question getting a problem I don’t know but please do yourself a favor and leave the fingers of such things!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lausejunge597

Mushrooms do not depend, that’s all bullshit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dadamien86908

If you know so carefully you need to know, I only think that’s so written in with an acquaintance of what has taken about the same mushrooms and the marijuana the grass from nature is also dangerous and depends or these mushrooms just as if you don’t believe me I wouldn’t take this, but if you know everything better then I can’t help you anymore

1 year ago

All right, then you better stay out completely in the future

1 year ago

I say it for the third and for the last time an acquaintance of me has become extremely dependent on it even that it must be taken away from what is in there I don’t believe a word I have experienced it myself and I will ignore you now because that bored me really leave me in peace!

1 year ago

Quote Wikipedia: Mushrooms do not cause physical or psychological dependence or withdrawal phenomena

Here the link: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybin-containing_Pilze#:~:text=Pilze%20rufen%20keine%20physical%20or,then%20als%20not%2Dabh%C3%A4ngigkeits-generating%20substanzen.

Just do not spread any false information about what you have no idea.

1 year ago

Now listen to me not constantly such comments yes a friend of mine has been addicted to these mushrooms he is crazy as he no longer had he screamed around like a madman I didn’t know what’s going on, but I then heard that he took such mushrooms and I don’t think everything in Google community is going to be quiet on the internet but I don’t think it’t have anything to answer.

1 year ago

Cannabis can make dependent – mushrooms but not. Google just…