Was sollte ich lieber machen A1 oder A2?
Hallo Community,
Ich habe vor einen Motorrad Führerschein zu machen.
Zurzeit bin ich 17 weswegen ich nur den A1 machen könnte. Nächstes Jahr im Januar werd ich 18 und könnte dann ja den A2 machen.
Ich frage mich jetzt nur was sollte ich lieber machen? Warten oder mit dem A1 anfangen, weil ich mit dem schon bald anfangen könnte.
Ich bin noch nie Motorrad, Roller oder irgendwas ähnliches gefahren.
Dennoch weiß ich von einem Kumpel das die A2 mehr Spaß machen sind demnach aber auch teurer. Was egt kein Problem für mich ist es. Dauert halt nur ein paar Monate länger.
Ich weiß leider nicht mehr weiter und hoffe das ihr mir dabei helfen könnt.
Should do the A2. You don’t have to drive the most awesome A2 machine right away, but try a smaller motorcycle at the beginning and you will have to make a 48 ps later if you feel sure to change the option to make a 48 ps that go well without having to do another check and have to grab the wallet again. LG
At the moment, driving schools are full ..many can not really offer tuition etc .. it can be that you will be finished late in the year .. to fall is no longer worth the A1 .. because I can wait better.
The driving licences A1 and A2 are in a somewhat equal price .. there is hardly any difference .. maybe 50,- or so .. often equal price.
Oh, okay. Didn’t have a chance to ask how expensive this is. It’s bad. But thank you
It is best to gather as much experience as possible, so I would believe in your place I would make A1. I made A2 myself. I don’t know why I didn’t do A1. But if you do both and not directly A2.
In the end, I want to depend on how long you want to wait.
PS: Of course, A2 is more fun, A1 is rather boring.
Thank you
both are equally expensive. just the higher. made a2 and didn’t regret it. I don’t need more than 48 ps.
Alr. Thank you
I’d rather wait a bit.
White by many friends who have made the A1 and A2 that most are annoying to have made the A1.
So you’d rather save the money and then make the A2.
And I can only say that this year would not be worth making the A1 as the driving schools are crowded.
Short and crisp answer. Top 👍🏾😄
Thank you