Was sollen die ständigen Vergleiche Deutschland mit Österreich, was ist davon zu halten?

Immer diese Vergleiche was die Ösis für ein Rentensystem haben, das Deutschland sowas auch braucht, usw… Österreich hat nur 6 oder 7 Mio Einwohner, Deutschland dagegen fast 85 Mio… Was sollen also die ständigen Vergleiche Deutschland mit Österreich? Was ist davon zu halten? Ich halte davon gar nix und es ist gut und richtig das Deutschland anders ist als Österreich.

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2 years ago

As a Liechtensteiner/Austrian, I can say that Germany should try to get rid of its sovereign debt. Germany should declare itself neutral from NATO and save itself in the military. Of course Austria has fewer inhabitants and it would be a big bureaucratic effort, so you shouldn’t call that out. But honest retirement in Germany is bad.

2 years ago

Austria has almost 9 million inhabitants. I don’t know why you compare.

2 years ago

it is not about who is better or worse.. I think you can look at and evaluate a lot.

Why we in Germany have about 60 health insurances Need the Austrians only have one handful and I have never understood less.. And in Switzerland the railway is always on time with us..

you should look at

2 years ago
Reply to  Darmstadt53

With regard to railway

In Germany I am 1 of 2x at the bottom

In Switzerland 1 of 5x

And in Austria 2 of zig times in 25 years

2 years ago


Austria has nearly 9 million inhabitants, not 6 or 7. Germany has approx. 83.2 million inhabitants, not nearly 85.

Both countries have great prosperity, both systems are currently working well. The differences are relatively marginal.

Certainly there are parts that might run better in Austria (or at least seem like this), but Germany also has some advantages and is also more successful in some areas and, above all, more influential internationally.

Inflation is also higher in Austria than in Germany, especially the fuel that was significantly cheaper in Austria for years than in D, suddenly costs more in Ö.

Of course, differences are ok, but you can compare both countries and learn from each other. If something works well in one country, you can take it in the other country as well if it fits.

Thus, comparisons do not have to be basically bad. There are several ways to the goal, but one can help each other, and that goes well with comparisons and thus changes.


2 years ago
Reply to  theaterfan1997

In Germany, 23% are affected by aging poverty

In Austria 17%

2 years ago

Do well.

2 years ago

Neither. Germany should take an example of the good things of other countries (whether Austria or otherwise a country). And what’s going well should be maintained.

I don’t know the Ösis pension system now. But one should take some example of the Swedish pension system. The “Aktienrente”. But that doesn’t mean that I want to do everything that Sweden does.

2 years ago
Reply to  user63924

It’ll be like that. At least from the name. But apparently “only” for people who receive a pension. So shred.

2 years ago
Reply to  BrascoC

In Austria search is being invested

And we have a minimum pension

2 years ago
Reply to  Nill

It’s great. In Germany, however, an example is taken to Sweden. At least I’ve only heard it in the context.

2 years ago

Okay, well, that’ll be rough.