Was soll mein Bruder verbessern?
Hey, mein kleiner Bruder ist 10 und hat das gezeichnet. Er wünscht sich, dass ich das hier hochstelle und für ihn frage, was er verbessern kann. Er freut sich über ernste Verbesserungen und möchte nicht dass ihr euch zurückhaltet weil er noch so jung ist. Danke!
Looks pretty good – the lower half of the nose I find very nice, up it is too wide.
The mouth is also well drawn, though something too big!
I find the left eye also beautiful – now he should be careful that the other eye also gets him quite the same!
The head is too big for the body. The face well proportioned.
In any case, he has potential!
Addendum: the brews are not entirely consistent!
The hair still looks natural, but from the eyebrows down it becomes unnatural.
The person is very stiff, the mouth is very strong.
Why doesn’t it have ears?
The mouth is slightly smaller and the shadow on the nose is gone.
Otherwise it looks pretty good.
Lips too big, one eye is bigger than the other, the ears are missing, man can’t say whether girls or young,…
This is clearly a girl, because
these are all female attributes.
Even if you can’t say it, it doesn’t matter with fictional characters. Or even so desired.
no one has said it is fictive, vl he has drawn himself!
The proportions of head, neck and body do not vote.
The neck is too thin, the shoulders and arms are too narrow.