Was soll ich tun, wegen meiner Blasenentzündung?
Ich habe schon seit ein paar Wochen, eine Blasenentzündung (?)! Weil meine HÄ krank war, war ich wegen meiner Bronchitis, bei einem Vertretungsarzt. Hatte von meiner HÄ 3er Antibiotika, von dem Vertr. Arzt, später Prednisolon + weil die Bronchitis immer noch da war + eine Blasenentzündung dazu kam, eine 10er Antibiotika (alle 12 h). Der Husten, ist zu meinem normalen zurück gekehrt, aber die Blase ist noch nicht OK. Hatte zufällig einen Termin bei meiner Frauenärztin + Creme wegen brennen + jucken bekommen. Das ist jetzt so gut wie weg! Aber meine Blase spielt immer noch verrückt, obwohl keine Bakterien gefunden wurden im Urin, bei der HÄ. Ich muss öfters mal (zusätzl. zum normalen) pullern + es kommen nur paar Tropfen! Wegen meiner Stuhlkontinenz (Besser mit Gerät im Po!), trage ich zum Glück Windelhosen. Weil ich von jetzt auf gleich pullern muss. Ist besonders doof unterwegs, mehrmals zu pullern.
Was kann ich da noch tun, außer weiter zu cremen? Habe Angst, das ich es mir angewöhne + immer mal in die Windelhose mache!
Danke, ein schönes österliches WE! 🥚🐰🐥🐤🐇🐏
Eat two to three times a day a few (cold) spabis seeds, which also helps women. Renounce caffeine and alcohol for a while.
Thank you.
I have to try pumpkin seeds after Easter (sometimes eat those of a pumpkin I use to cook!)! I don’t drink. Well, tomorrow a small glass of sparkling wine to celebrate! Coffee early 1 cup + afternoon sometimes powder coffee. But not every day. Is that still going through? All right, could switch to tea, I got in the house!
Thank you, a nice Easter WE! 🥚🐰🐥🐤🐇🐏
That sounds very good.
Hmm, sometimes it’s like permanent pain that something is mentally embedded. There can only help deep hypnosis.
Do you want to ask me about it?
Sounds good, but I’m sure it costs what?
Just wanted to write that there is no such thing near me, but no, it’s about 1/4 h away from me! The 1st consultation is free, but what it costs is not there! Do you have several things+ would certainly not be bad. Could be the one. then call + the AOK also ask if they take what I don’t believe!
Was on a normal + we had set ourselves targets, but that didn’t bring anything. I’m really not a mess, with food, etc. but there are also disorders that have intensified because of the excretion of my Elis to the old house + their apartment resolution. But I took all the things I need 100%. Like lettering, writing, crafts, cutlery, plates, ………, pictures! So nothing superfluous, even if it’s adored me!
And thanks again, is a good idea! 🥚🐰🐥🐤🐇🐏
Each psychotherapist who does not control deep hypnosis (one must have completely lost the memory of hypnosis) has missed his profession.
According to my remote diagnosis, deep hypnosis would be just the right thing for you.
I have chronic migrating pain + it was said in a sense: “These are not made by the body but by the mind!” And that’s why I’m afraid that I’m so “concious” with the bubble! I was because of the pain in such a ? that focuses on tricker points, also found something, but the AOK doesn’t pay like that + I didn’t have any money!
Thanks again! 💙
In a bladder inflammation you should
Thank you.
The antibiotics, I’ve also taken until the end, must be like that.
I had always put a cereal cushion in the tube at the beginning. But because that didn’t bring anything (yes, it should have taken longer, but must always be careful that it doesn’t like my 1, = cherry kernel cushion in pairs as good as burnt)! Always take a very warm bath in the evening!
I know a lot of drinking, but well, that’s always hard for me! I know, I know!
Thank you, a nice Easter WE! 🥚🐰🐥🐤🐇🐏
Drink a lot and ask the doctor again.
Antibiotics always take to the end
Thank you.
Antibiotics I always take logical white to the end!
Was on Tuesday at my HÄ. I can rely on them 100 per. Has let the sister test the urine + no bacteria. The tip to continue using the cream + that was it!
I know a lot of drinking, but well, that’s always hard for me! I know, I know!
Thank you, a nice Easter WE! 🥚🐰🐥🐤🐇🐏