Was soll ich tun ich weiß nicht mehr weiter?
Hallo. Ich bin 20. Ich habe derzeit folgendes problem. Ich wohne derzeit bei meinen Eltern Zuhause was nicht mehr geht da mein Vater nur noch Stress macht was meine Psyche kaputt macht. Sodem ich eh schon psychisch kaputt bin. Ich komme heute aus einer sucht Klinik (Reha) nach Hause. Da die Therapie aus bestimmten Gründen (keine schlimmen eher mehrere kleine in kurzer Zeit, Rückfall und Meinungsverschiedenheiten beendet wurde) mich hat das natürlich total zu schaffen gemacht vor allem wo soll ich hin?… Nunja ich rufe meine Eltern an und mein Vater wieder ziemlich agressiv drauf… Und meine Mutter enttäuscht aber noch liebe voll und Verständnis voll. Nunja ich habe halt jetzt wieder Angst das mein Vater handgreiflich wird. Er beschimpft mich ja gerade andauernd… Tauge nix… Versager… Anstatt mir immer wieder neuen Mut zu geben weiter zu machen. Macht er mich eher runter… Ich weiß nicht wie es weiter gehen soll… Keine Freunde nix… Ich bin einfach nur traurig und leer…
What your father does isn’t targeted… just like what you expect from him.
It’s not his job to haunt you, especially if your situation is so serious and you’re partly due to it.
The housing market looks rather critical at the moment, so even if you start looking, you should wait… If I were you, I’d deal with the withdrawal first, even if it’s hard. After that, you can look around the job technology and also go to apartment change.
In the meantime, you’ve been left with money or, depending on how your parents can get for you, a minijob to relieve the financial situation at home.
Hand grabbing and shutting down naturally do not go.
But I give you one to consider.
You’re 20, addicted, have no friends and never worked, live at home.
There are certain reasons why people become addicted and not always is the addictive guilt. Often the causes are in the family.
ABER! You were in therapy. You’ve come back there and you’ve had disagreements.
Such a therapy is there to get your life under control..If you fly out there, a little more has happened and you haven’t worked.
Maybe the clinic won’t take you back. An acquaintance of me had a house ban in the psychiatry since she had sex in the toilet with several inmates and had alcohol smuggled in.
She was in the clinic, as she went foreign to her partner in the alcohol rush with various men in the double bed, partly in the conveyor belt.
Your child was locked into the kitchen while and no longer sent to school. She left the child alone at home, and only the grandparents came to the home.
She lost her partner, her apartment, her job, her child, her family and her health.
Nevertheless, in the psychiatry she disregards all the rules.
She was homeless after the rash and crawled with a dealer under..where she had previously parked her child before the youth office came.
She has almost played her only way to help with her own behavior in the psychiatry.
That’s exactly how your story reads.
Why extreme differences of opinion that provoke a rash.
What are you going to do if you don’t cooperate?
Yes, addiction is a disease. But whoever hits the hand that pulls you out of it didn’t understand.
You should start training. Your parents are not responsible for you forever.
Sign up for a job promotion and explain the situation. And then start something and stay there.
Diversities of opinion are not in demand now.
I can understand that your parents don’t see the situation benevolent.
At 20 there is no need to live with the parents.
However, the question is where it is better and how to get it paid.
For the option Citizens Money and the special situation u25 see: https://hartz4responds.de/ratgeber/kinder/hartz-4-unter-25/
Ggf is eligible for a shelter for young adults. No idea as in particular as the age limits are.
Ggf are friends with their own apartment or relatives.
The sentence (I took the clip out) sounds incomplete for me.
Did you successfully complete the therapy or would a new therapy be a relevant approach?
According to the therapist, it is not a rash but an early termination
If the re-entering/renewing credits I would also consider this as an option.
A healthy psyche is important for the steps independently and independently.
Hello extrarv03,
I’d like to write a message, then we can talk about your situation.
I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online.
Online mostly Mo-Do 09:00-14:00
Many greetings,
Take care of yourself
Alena from the DigiStreet team
I would try to find an apartment via the social office and apply for citizenship
I’ve never worked before and as far as I know it’s not going to be 20