Was soll ich tun?
Kann man ne Anzeige machen?
Fühl mich gemobbt und ausgeschlossen in meiner Arbeit! Kann nicht mal dort entschuldigen!
Hab Soziale Phobie und irgendwie interessierts keinen dort!
War ich zu frech dort?
Hab nichts dafür! Bin oft gereizt!
Bin eigentlich nie so!
Bitte seriöse Ratschläge
You don’t care how you feel – with a message you also have to be plucked!
For your phobias, no one can do anything there and if you don’t have a GdB appearance, then you’re a stinky normal AN who has to afford and do the same as all the others
Thank you. Don’t come from Germany!
Then you should talk to your psychologist/therapist about what you can do and if you can’t work that way
Don’t know if it’s bullying! Must work with three comrades on a table and I’m always irritated and panic! My comrades were so funny to me! 😫
Described by my therapist!
You’re such a pensioner!
Got social phobia! Don’t do it!
have talked about me! I was very upset! So provoke! 😕
It was so irritated!
And I’m 20 years!
If I look at your other questions, I suggest you do a therapy