Was soll ich tun?

Hey, meine Mutter und ich haben uns heute gestritten und dann hat sie mich geschlagen (nachdem ich meine Meinung gesagt habe) und jetzt meint sie, dass ich bis 18 Uhr Zeit habe mich zu entschuldigen oder ich meine Sachen packen soll für nh Woche und sie will mir auch nicht sagen wo ich hin soll. Ich habe überlegt zur Polizei zu gehen, aber dann müssten meine Schwestern und ich zu unserem Erzeuger ziehen und er ist auch handgreiflich. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll

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1 year ago

that’s very strange that your mother says I want you to go a week, but not where you’re supposed to be. I think your mother can and does not want to bear you right now.

Do you have a girlfriend or something where you can go a week or relatives?

My best friend has made her mother such an unbelievable accusation that she has beaten in her anger. Afterwards she was with us for 2 weeks.

Of course I don’t think it’s right that her mom beat her. But after what my friend said, I even got a little understanding that she was locked out.

1 year ago
Reply to  sophie321429

That sounds anything but good. that you are already diagnosed for depresive with 10, this is already violent.

You definitely need both external help…

1 year ago

You could help you with an educator and the youth office, with which you can find a solution or switch to a group of homes.


1 year ago
Reply to  sophie321429

She doesn’t have that either, can you join a friend first? A friend of mine had the same problem and I set up a room with her for a week, worked very well.

1 year ago

You’re 14 years old and you seem to be a little fury. And no, it wasn’t right to beat you, but still possibly understandable, depending on what you’ve done before and especially in the dispute.

You probably don’t say anything in your question for good reason. But it is not to assume that your mother has beaten you groundlessly. This was probably more an expression of your mother’s helplessness, because you might have gone too far with your outrage.

Maybe you’d better put this back with an apology, and of course you should make it clear that you don’t want to be beaten by it.

1 year ago
Reply to  sophie321429

I realized that the situation is escalating. Nevertheless, you should act as I suggested.

1 year ago

(after I have said my opinion)

Hand-grids from the mother’s side are of course not okay at all. Nevertheless, the mother’s view would also interest me.

1 year ago

Excuse your mother, no matter what happened and who’s right.

What’s the eternal quarrel?

Good for you.