Was soll ich tun?
Hi also meiner älteren Schwester geht es im Moment psychisch nicht so gut und deswegen schlafe ich schon seit einiger Zeit bei ihr . Aber meine BFF will jetzt noch einmal in den Weinachtsferien mit mir Übernachten. Aber ich hab überhaupt keine Lust. Ich will nämlich lieber bei meiner Schwester schlafen weil es ihr nicht so gut geht. Ich glaube Meike Dchwester möchte das auch nicht so gerne weil sie mich ganz oft fragt wo schlaft ihr denn jetzt? Oder :Könnt ihr vielleicht bei uns schlafen? Nur leider will meine Freundin das immer so abwechselnd machen und somit wären wir jetzt bei ihr dran. Klar ich könnte ihr das einfach alles sagen , aber die rastet immoment wegen jeder Kleinigkeit komplett aus. Die ist gerade nämlich voll in der Hochpubertät.
Was soll ich tun?
Danke schon mal im Vorraus!!!
Take your sister seriously.
Take your girlfriend seriously.
Nurse: If your sister doesn’t get so good mentally, a little sister is certainly a support. But not everything. Does she already have professional help? If no, make sure she gets her! You are important as a sister, but will not be able to fix everything!
Girlfriend: How should your girlfriend find the way through puberty if her best friend doesn’t give any feedback? So, tell her how it behaves and also your contradictory desire to stay with her as well as not to leave your sister alone. If she goes “high”, stay friendly and tell her how to perceive her behavior (the behavior! not the person!). Otherwise, you won’t come to the point.
very compassionate answer!
I could comment on a condition. Unfortunately, without a person in the age of a puperty, I can hardly say anything without knowing them. There might be a perspective that meets the person you want. This depends very individually on many factors. In addition, the person related to himself is in an age with which I don’t have so much practical experience.
It could be helpful to give your sister some time and space. It would be helpful if it were related to an event or e.g. a relationship of the ground. Depending on this, a normal behavior could have a better result.
That sounds a little bit out of your mind for me. Leave your sister’s own free space, it’s not up to your needs.
I also said, ‘Cause she asked where we sleep and she always says, “Can you sleep with us?” So don’t come right around the corner and I’ll take care of my sister if you want to know.
Can it be that you are just misunderstood? What does your sister want? That you’re sleeping with her or sleeping with your girlfriend?
I’m sleeping with my girlfriend.