Was soll ich tun?

Wie geht ihr damit um, wenn ihr beim Einschlafen durch Geräusche gestört werdet? Meine Schwester schnarcht ziemlich laut, und ich bin generell sehr empfindlich, was Geräusche wie Atemgeräusche oder Schmatzen angeht. Schon kleinste Töne bringen mich um den Verstand und halten mich vom Schlafen ab. Ich habe über Ohrstöpsel nachgedacht, aber dann hätte ich das Problem, dass ich morgens meinen Wecker nicht mehr hören würde.

Hat jemand Tipps, wie man solche Geräusche besser ausblenden kann? Vielleicht kennt ihr gute Einschlafmusik oder spezielle Geräuschkulissen auf Spotify, die helfen könnten? Ich bin für jede Idee dankbar!

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1 month ago

Who is tired, sleeps. Whoever keeps awake for noise is not really tired.

1 month ago

The earopax color is particularly soft and dissatisfied, but one takes its environment close to being perceived by alarm clock bells, housing bells and when one is addressed.

I really can understand if you don’t get to rest, with any noise. You will get this Varante in every pharmacy- around 2-3 euros.

Can also wash it out and use it again, 2 to 3 times.

Good luck.

1 month ago

In such a case

I make the only helpful and sensible:

I’m taking my box Ear opaxthat is always ready to handle,

two pieces out and give the soft and shapeable mass after I have them

in the ear


Everything is wonderful! And a wonderful silence sets in!

What is particularly pleasing:

The original earopax do not press, you do not feel them, because they are very soft as a modelable wax-like mass and are ideally inserted into the ear through the body temperature!

I always buy earopax in the pharmacy in a larger pack than box at a reasonable price, so I always have a stock at home!

I recommend earopax! For decades, they have helped me get a healthy sleep!

Maybe you want to try it once?

1 month ago

You also hear the alarm clock with earplugs, make him louder or let you wake up.