Was soll ich tuhen?
Ich habe Im letzten Beitrag über ein mädchen gesprochen und es läuft ganz gut zwischen uns wir sind zusammen gekommen und es war alles gut bis auf gestern wir saßen nebeneinander ich bewege mich ruckartig und sie zuckt mega zusammen danach habe ich mein Arm so ein bisschen hoch gemacht als würde man halt hauen sehe wie sie reagiert sehe ihre Angst in den Augen sehe sie sie zusammenzuckt und in mir ist eine Welt zerbrochen sie hat wirklich gedacht ich schlage sie ich habe ihr jetzt mehrmals erzählt das ich sowas niemals machen würde aber irgendwas ist ihn ihrer Vergangenheit passiert sie traut sich aber noch nicht mit mir darüber zu sprechen ..
I know well what you mean 😂 the feeling that the confidence that the woman is giving them is inadequate.
This has everything as always evolutionary reasons. About the feelings a woman brings to a man that she is a ride or the girl that she cares about him, etc. She suggests to him what a man is the IMPORTANT, namely the paternity guarantee. She reflects what you want to see, the “holy” but by moments by not enough feelings, she doubts or frightens with you is the paternity guarantee in danger, because a woman who doesn’t trust a man is in danger of looking for a man who can regulate these emotions in her, the sexual infidelity that might result would mean getting the child of another man pushed.
Sure you’re probably still young, but the instincts are older than you and don’t sleep. It starts after the start of the pupil. This is nature and no, we are NOT exalted about our animal instincts also women act according to, they only have other instincts, because men and women are not equal.
Nothing to feel and be purely rational is a good day for a man. For women, however, it is unbearable to GAR NOT to feel. Men also have a much lower sense amplitude and the most common and strongest male feeling is anger.
Then be careful with your movements. You know how she reacts now. Be there for her and show her that she is important to you. Be careful and do not push them to tell their story. She’ll do it when she’s ready. Fact is, their reactions say everything.
I told her she could talk to me if she’s ready for it
That was right. Now you can only try to be as sensitive as possible
Leave her the time she needs. Trust will build up automatically and if it is ready to tell their story, then it will.
What is important now and it is nevertheless important to take consideration of each other.
It doesn’t have to be something bad happened. People have reflexes now. But if she tells you, you should try to avoid such movements if possible. And if it happens to you that you accidentally make such a feedback-like movement then it is not the world’s downfall. Tell her best “No matter how angry I am, I would never bend a hair” after a while when she notices you won’t hurt her, it will be better for EVENTUELL. I don’t know how big the trauma is…
Patience, she now knows that you noticed her terribleness, now don’t fall into the house with the door.
I told her she could talk to me as soon as she’s ready for it
That’s enough. Now rest.
What should I do?
Don’t go around like that.