Was soll ich mit psychischen Problemen machen?
Ich (18) habe Depressionen. Das Problem ist, ich habe keine Eltern oder sonst wen, der mich da unterstützen kann oder wenigstens ein offenes Ohr hat. Meine Eltern haben mich damals mit 15 rausgeworfen und eine Drogenproblematik. Seit dem habe ich kein Kontakt mehr zu denen. Meine Freunde sind teilweise selber belastet mit eigenen Problemen. Ich habe keine Eltern oder Bezugspersonen. Ambulante Therapie kommt auch nicht in Frage, weil ich nicht mit jemandem über meine Probleme reden will, der das für Geld macht und professionell sein muss. Ich bin alleine. Niemand interessiert sich für mich. Erstrecht weil ich jetzt 18 bin.
Hello Jojoho,
I’ll answer from the point of view of someone who makes this for money.
Have you ever heard of people who like to photograph and then become photographers? Or who like to ride and then become a riding teacher? Or who like to organize events and then go to event management?
These are all people who, as they say, make their “hobby a profession”.
You can imagine that with therapists. In any case, it is so with me and with all my colleagues (and those for whom it was nothing, are no longer in the psychotherapy industry).
Yeah, I get money for what I’m doing. But I don’t do it for the money. It wouldn’t be worth it, by the way. As a therapist you don’t nag on the famine, but if you really want to make coal, there are much more lucrative jobs.
Here some have already taken a very fitting point that you lead a bit far into isolation with this attitude. I understand this attitude. I also had a psychotherapy as a teenager and always thought: “He does it for money.” So I can feel inside you. But meanwhile, I’ve changed the page and I can tell you that people who make this money don’t keep the job done. And those who do the job do not do that for money, but find fulfillment. I couldn’t imagine a better job.
In this respect, I can only join the others here: Take care of a therapy place! A therapy can be a wonderful experience if it fits humanly. It is a very special form of relationship, even if it is of course professional. I experienced both sides – as a patient and as a therapist – and both sides can be extremely enriching.
Give you the chance. Get up. Jump over your shadow. You pack it!
You don’t go to the doctor if you break your leg? Or if you have a heart attack? Do you refuse the treatment? Because he gets money to deal with your problems?
You’re alone because you chose it. There’s help, but you don’t want to use it.
Jump over your shadow, otherwise it can’t be better.
Someone who doesn’t make this professional will probably not be able to help you in the long term. So get out of the victim’s role, get to the phone. Let all the good therapists put you on the waiting list.
Being sorry for yourself (“no one is interested in me”) will not take you further. It’s your life, take it in your own hands. Take care if you want to change something
Then it won’t be better for you, it’s getting worse and worse.
I want help, but I don’t want help.
You couldn’t have said better