Was soll ich mit diesem Cover anstellen?
Seid gegrüßt Liebe Gute Frage User!
Zweier meiner Hobbys sind covermachen und schreiben (meistens zum Thema Warrior Cats)
Jetzt habe ich zwei Cover für eine fanatsy Reihe weiß nur nicht was ich damit anstellen soll
Sollte ich auf Wattpad dazu eine Buchreihe schreiben, die Cover in meinem Coverbuch Ausstellen oder was ganz anderes
If you already have the cover…
While the graphics/image is really good, it’s not a good cover because it doesn’t tell a story. But it’s just on the edge.
Watch what is with the copyright of the images. The AI has an animal image somewhere from the net and does not use you to get mail from a lawyer because you have infringed copyright.
I’ve cut all the pictures together and worked myself so where is this a big proplem?
Where did you get that animal picture? photographed in the forest itself?
Even most zoos prohibit the commercial use of pictures of their animals.
No, I’ve made a KI a picture of a normal wolf head. afterwards I removed the background and changed the colors and texture in a editing app. A AI created the images takes templates and generates them at the end itself and is freely available (at least those I use)
Both if you have a history in memory ☺️ The covers are really cool, especially the two.
Thanks for the answer and the compliment, have a nice week!
Thx also ☺️